Dark Lord


  • Worth Getting?

  • Uses
    Good For: Farming
    OK For: Soloing
    & Secondary Support (Debuff/Stun)

  • Enhancement
    Lucky + Spiral Carve (use Health Vamp if needed)
    Enhancements guide


  • Storyline Completion
    This includes /murdermoon > /zorbaspalace.


After completing the storyline, merge the following items in Hammer Wateru's Merge shop at /murdermoon. This is only available during the May the 4th event.

  1. Cyber Ring Crystal x66
    Rewarded from "Too Dangerous to be Left Alive!" by defeating Tempest Soldiers.

  2. S Ring x15 & Fifth Lord's Filtrinator x15
    Defeat Fifth Sepulchure.

  3. Dark Helmet x1 & Dotty x15
    Defeat Zorba the Bakk at /zorbaspalace.

  4. 25k Gold Voucher x4
    Purchase from /murdermoon.

If you own the Rare Darkside class, select the book at /curio to purchase the class and its cosmetics for free. Otherwise, this class is only available during the May the 4th event.
