Reagent Library

Press Control+F (Command+F on Mac) to search for a reagent

  • Methods are ranked when applicable - 1 being the best. Generally, quests that have better rewards overall but may be worse at getting a singular item will be ranked higher than quests that focus on just that one item. Alternative methods can be great but aren't always the best choice. If a method if missing, it's probably not worth doing.

  • The item's cap limit is listed in brackets.

  • When applicable, item drop rates are listed as a percentage next to the rank number.

Pet Quests - Read Me!

Nulgath's Birthday Gift
This pet is worth getting but not if you already own Crag & Bamboozle, unless you really want to be as efficient as possible. It has one farmable quest that grants lots of valuable reagents but the downside is that it's tedious to do since you have to move around so much. If you want to get one, it costs 1.5k ACs during Nulgath's birthday event in January-February. Its quest is:

  • "New Worlds, New Opportunities"

      1. Slugfit and Fire Imps at /mobius.

      2. Big Bad Boar at /greenguardwest. Exit down from /mobius.

      3. Cyclops Warlord at /faerie. Located at end of the map to the right. If you can, place an alt account at this boss to /goto.

      4. Dark Makai at /tercessunotlim or /nulgath if you're a member.

Pets that have the same or similar type of quest include the Bounty Hunter Drone, Astral Hanzo Orb, Crimson Hanzo Orb, Bounty Hunter Blade, and Ceremonial Void Knight Sword. For the sake of simplicity, all of these pets will be regarded as Nulgath's Birthday Gift but you can use whichever one you have. Some may have different enemy locations.

Nulgath Larvae
This is usually the best overall farming quest for free players but it isn't worth doing if you have pets like Nulgath's Birthday Gift or Crag & Bamboozle. If you want to obtain one, you'll need to be a member and then you can complete Drudgen the Assistant's "Hire Nulgath Larvae" quest. For it, you need a Voucher of Nulgath and Undead Legion Rune (see sections near the bottom of the page for details on how to get these). If you can't or don't want to get one, it can sometimes be found equipped by players at /yulgar-9889 on populated servers. Otherwise, try public /yulgar, /battleon, or /battleontown maps. Its quest can also be accepted if you own ENNH. To complete the Nulgath Larvae's farming quest, do this:

  • "Nulgath (Larvae)"

      1. Mana Golem at /elemental. This drop stacks to 13.

      2. Mana Imps and Falcon at /elemental - do this at the screen with 2 Imps and 1 Falcon.

Drudgen the Assistant
Drudgen is generally not worth purchasing because you can accept most of its quests even if you don't own it (this excludes "Contract Exchange", which is fantastic but only if you also own Crag & Bamboozle). If you do want to buy one, it can be purchased for 5k ACs from Nulgath at /tercessuinotlim.
If you want to accept its other quests, there are usually people with one equipped at /yulgar-9889 on populated servers but if no one is around, try public /yulgar, /battleon, or /battleontown maps. Otherwise, its quests can be accessed through the Drudgen preview in Nulgath's shop or within an ENNH if you own it.
Swindle Bilk at /tercessuinotlim also offers some of Drudgen's quests, like "Supplies..." and "The Assistant" - a mobile version can be bought for 2k ACs but you would be better off saving them for a better pet.
Drudgen's important quests include:

  • "Contract Exchange"
    Trade in an Unidentified 13 and a Blade Master Rune from the Shadow of Nulgath enemy at /tercessuinotlim. You must have Crag & Bamboozle as well to make this farmable so that you can trade Diamonds of Nulgath (+ Dark Makai Sigils) for Unidentified 13s with the "Diamond Exchange" quest.

  • "Supplies to spin the Wheel of Chance"
    Obtain a Relic of Chaos from /escherion. For the fight, Escherion won't take damage if the staff is alive. Also, you must have completed Galanoth's quests at /lair including "Dragonslayer Reward" to accept the quest and Escherion's 13LoC saga to get to Escherion (unless you want to /goto someone else).
    If you're in a good group, it'd be faster to farm the Level 90 Hydras at /hydrachallenge. I recommend using Lord of Order, Legion Revenant, and DPS classes like ShadowStalker of Time and Chaos Slayer.
    Ultra Alteon is also viable but its efficiency depends on your group setup - I would recommend using fast-nuking calendar classes for it.
    It's not worth farming Relics of Chaos from Chaos Gemralds at /blindingsnow because the drop rate is too low.
    Hold onto Unidentified 1, 6, 9, 16, and 20 to trade them in at Swindle Bilk's "Swindle's Return Policy" quest at
    /tercessuinotlim. Because so many items drop from this quest, blacklist useless ones by shift-clicking from the custom drop UI.

  • "The Assistant"
    This quest's rewards are almost exactly the same as
    "Supplies..." but it's completed by turning in War-Torn Memorabilia from /yulgar in the Armour Shop. This is faster to do but costs 100k Gold each time. In almost all cases, I will only mention "Supplies..." as the method but "The Assistant" is usually a suitable substitute. In some cases, I will only mention "The Assistant" as it may have a superior drop chance or "Supplies..." doesn't drop it at all.

Crag & Bamboozle
If you're willing to pay 5k ACs and plan on obtaining many Nation items, this pet is worth it. It has some similar quests to Drudgen the Assistant but has ways to make them faster. The downside is that it's only usable by you. If you want to get one, it can be bought from Nulgath.
Crag & Bamboozle's important quests include:

  • "Diamond Exchange"
    Trade in 15 Diamonds of Nulgath and a Dark Makai Sigil for an Unidentified 13.

  • "Bamboozle vs Drudgen"
    Defeat the Tainted Elemental at /evilmarsh or /nulgath if you're a member - it's at the very right of the map. It will drop Tainted Cores, which stack up to 13. You can then trade them for Relics of Chaos, which also stack to 13. Use them to complete "Supplies to spin the Wheel of Chance" much faster than normal. You may also earn Relics of Chaos by farming Level 90 Hydras at /hydrachallenge as you complete "Bloody Chaos" (more details below in the Blood Gem of the ArchFiend section). I don't recommend other sources, like Ultra Alteon, if you have Crag & Bamboozle.
    Hold onto Unidentified 1, 6, 9, 16, and 20 to trade them in at Swindle Bilk's "Swindle's Return Policy" quest at /tercessuinotlim. Because so many items drop from this quest, blacklist useless ones by shift-clicking from the custom drop UI.

    This quest rewards 30 Diamonds of Nulgath with a 5% chance to drop Blood Gems for free daily. The 30 Diamonds could be traded for two Uni 13s.

  • "The Poisonous Deal"
    If you have spare Unidentified 10
    s and Blood Gems of the Archfiend, do this quest and the one below. To accept it, you need the Tainted Claymore, which is rewarded from Skew's "Warrior Claymore Blade Enchant" quest from /tercessuinotlim (requires completion of /tavern > /llama and Rank 8 Evil). You can complete Skew's quest by turning in a Warrior Claymore Blade, which drops from Undead Berserkers at /marsh2.
    Then, turn in "The Poisonous Deal" with 2 Blood Gems of the Archfiend, 30 Unidentified 10s, and an Undead Plague Spear, which drops from Big Jack Sprat at /graveyard.

  • "The Refreshing Deal"
    This quest is similar to "The
    Poisonous Deal" but you need a Purified Claymore of Destiny to accept it instead, which is rewarded from Polish's "Purified Claymore" quest at /cragglerock (requires completion of /citadel and Rank 8 Good). You can complete Polish's quest by turning in a Warrior Claymore Blade, which drops from Undead Berserkers at /marsh2.
    turn in "The Refreshing Deal" with 2 Blood Gems of the Archfiend, 30 Unidentified 10s, and an Undead Plague Spear, which drops from Big Jack Sprat at /graveyard.

  • "Assisting Crag and Bamboozle"
    This quest is accepted from Tendurrr the Assistant, which is a member-only pet that drops from Dark Makai. You will need Crag to accept it too. To make the quest useful, max-stack everything except for the Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem). If you're doing Void Highlord, you might just want Elders' Blood. And Unidentied 19 if you're doing ArchFiend DoomLord.
    This quest is daily-locked by the Sparrow's Blood, which you can get from Reens' quest at /arcangrove.

Oblivion Blade of Nulgath
This pet is like Crag & Bamboozle because it makes obtaining Escherion Helms for "Supplies..." very easy. If you have both pets, do them at the same time. Unfortunately, OBoN is Rare so you can only get it with an IoDA now. These are its important quests:

  • "The Dark Deal"
    Defeat the Tainted Elemental at /evilmarsh or /nulgath if you're a member - it's at the very right of the map. It will drop Tainted Souls, which stack up to 13. You can then trade them for Relics of Chaos, which also stack to 13. Use them to complete "Supplies to spin the Wheel of Chance" much faster than normal.
    Hold onto Unidentified 1, 6, 9, 16, and 20 to trade them in at Swindle Bilk's "Swindle's Return Policy" quest at /tercessuinotlim. Because so many items drop from this quest, blacklist useless ones by shift-clicking from the custom drop UI.

  • "Assisting Oblivion Blade"
    This quest is actually accepted from Tendurrr the Assistant, which drops from Dark Makai. You need OBoN to accept it, however. To make the quest useful, max-stack everything except for Blood Gems of the ArchFiend and Vouchers of Nulgath, and if you need them, Totems of Nulgath plus Unidentified 19.
    Tendurrr also has a quest if you own Crag & Bamboozle, which is good if you only want a Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem).

Nulgath Challenge Pet
This is another Rare pet. Unlike OBoN, it only provides a quick daily quest that can grant Blood Gems, Dark Crystal Shards, or Tainted Gems, depending on what you choose. Its other quest is not worth doing. This pet works very well when combined with Crag & Bamboozle. To complete its daily quest, do the following:

  • "Tenacity Challenge"
    Defeat Ghastly Darkbloods at /deathpits (walk down a few floors) and Bloodfiends at /underworld (continue left until you can go directly down then go right to find 3).

Gemstone of Nulgath
This pet has been recently buffed (15th Jan 2022). It now offers great quests for people with membership to farm both Blood Gems of the ArchFiend and Dark Crystal Shards. The guide on how to obtain this pet and farm its quests can be found here.

Sword of Nulgath
A replica of this pet can be found as a reward from "Nulgath (Larvae)" called the 8th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath - either equip it or activate its quests from your inventory.
Another version is available as a Bonus Package item from your online account management - the Copper Void ChronoKnight Set - which can be equipped by non-members too.
Otherwise, you can get the original Sword of Nulgath by trading a
Voucher of Nulgath, Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem), Dark Crystal pet from /ariapet, and Dark Makai Rune from Makai at /nulgath, to Nulgath's "Purchase Sword of Nulgath" quest at /tercessuinotlim, or if you own it, your ENNH.
Whatever version you decide to get, they all have the same quests. Its best quest is "The Leery Contract"for farming Gold. You can see more information about this in the Gold guide.

Aelita's Emerald (1)

Purchase this from Yulgar's Weapon Shop at /yulgar.

Aluminium (10)Aluminum

Complete Artix's "Mine Crafting" quest at /necropolis by defeating Balboa at /stalagbite. Must have completed Step 1 of BLoD.

ArchFiend's Favour (5k) archfiend's favor

  1. Defeat enemies at /evilwarnul. Do this in is the first room with grass near the end of the map as it has 4 enemies.

  2. Alternatively, farm enemies at the start of the map while you complete one of Diligas' quests ("Crush the Weak" if member, "Only The Strong Survive Today" if not). This is slower but it will also reward Diamonds of Nulgath. You will need an Unidentified 13 to accept these quests and have completed Galanoth's quests at /lair including "Dragonslayer Reward".

Azure Starblade (1)

Merge this at Loremaster Maya's shop at /arena with 25 DeadMog LEDs. These can be obtained by defeating Deadmoglinster, who is in the same room.

Batwing Scythe (1)

Complete the "His Bark is worse than his Blight" quest at /darkoviagrave by defeating Blightfang at the right of the map. You need to complete the quests in this map to access it.

Behemoth Blade of Light (1)

Merge 500 Combat Trophies with a Basic War Sword and Steel Afterlife, which both cost 50 Combat Trophies each, at the PvP Trophy Shop within the Game Menu. The best methods to earn Combat Trophies can be found below.

Behemoth Blade of Shadow (1)

Merge 500 Combat Trophies with a Basic War Sword and Steel Afterlife, which both cost 50 Combat Trophies each, at the PvP Trophy Shop within the Game Menu. The best methods to earn Combat Trophies can be found below.

Black Knight Orb (1)

Go to the Black Knight NPC at /greenguardwest (exit down from /arcangrove). Complete his "Hardly Suiting Armour" quest by defeating the bosses at /greendragon, /well, /deathgazer, and /trunk. The drops have about a 30% drop rate.

Blood Gem of the ArchFiend (100)

See the Pet Quests section at the very top for instructions:

  1. Choose Reward - "Tenacity Challenge"
    Nulgath Challenge Pet

  2. 11% - "Assisting Oblivion Blade"
    Must own Oblivion Blade of Nulgath.

  3. Choose Reward - "Contract Exchange"
    Must own Crag & Bamboozle and Drudgen.

  4. Alternative: Merge - Swindle's Ripoff Emporium (with Crag & Bamboozle AND OBoN)
    Crag & Bamboozle AND Oblivion Blade of Nulgath + Swindle Bilk at /tercessuinotlim
    Farm "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" and "The Dark Deal". Trade the Unidentified 10s and money that you earn for Blood Gems.

  5. Alternative: Merge - Swindle's Ripoff Emporium (with Crag & Bamboozle OR OBoN)
    Crag & Bamboozle OR Oblivion Blade of Nulgath + Swindle Bilk at /tercessuinotlim
    Farm "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" or "The Dark Deal". Trade the Unidentified 10s and money that you earn for Blood Gems.

  6. Alternative: Merge - Swindle's Ripoff Emporium (without Crag & Bamboozle or OBoN)
    Swindle Bilk at /tercessuinotlim
    Do this if you only need Blood Gems as other quests, excluding method #9, #10, and #11, will also reward other reagents at the same time.

  7. 25% - "New Worlds, New Opportunities"
    Nulgath's Birthday Gift
    Don't do this method if you only want Blood Gems. It's good at earning Blood Gems as you farm for other reagents at the same time, however.

  8. 100% - "Forge Blood Gems for Nulgath" + "Carve the Unidentified Gemstone"
    Gemstone of Nulgath

  9. 100% - "Bloody Chaos"
    Swindle at /tercessuinotlim
    Turn in this quest with the following:

      1. Escherion's Helm
        Defeat Escherion at /escherion.

      2. Shattered Legendary Sword of Dragon Control
        Defeat Vath at /stalagbite.

      3. Hydra Scale Piece x200
        Defeat the level 85 or 90 Hydras, depending on your group, at /hydrachallenge. The Scales stack to 1000. Some good group combinations are Lord of Order plus ShadowWeaver of Time, Legion Revenant, Chaos Slayer, or Scarlet Sorceress. If these enemies are too hard and you can't find a group, do "Kiss the Void" instead (below).
        If you're farming the Level 90 Hydras
        for this, use the Relics of Chaos that drop to complete "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" at the same time.

  10. 100% - "Kiss the Void"
    Nulgath at /tercessuinotlim
    Turn in this quest with the following:

      1. Tendurrr the Assistant
        Drops from Dark Makai at /tercessuinotlim or /nulgath if you're a member. You can get it back from your online account manager under Buy Back - relog for it to take effect.

      2. Fragments of Chaos
        Defeat Chaos Gemralds at /blindingsnow. To access them, complete Nythera's storyline from /northlands > /kingcoal > /swallowed > /blindingsnow.
        Use the Relics of Chaos that drop to complete "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" at the same time.

      3. Broken Betrayal Blade x8
        Defeat Legion Fenrirs at /evilwarnul near the end of the map.

Bone Dust (5.1k)

Defeat enemies at /battleunderb. Complete Step 1 of BLoD so that Undead Energy also drops.

Bright Tonic (99)

Either purchase this from Alina's Jera Merge shop at /alchemy academy or brew it with Arashtite Ore and Ice Vapour or Dragon Scales. I recommend about 20 or more of each. Choose your method:

  1. Merge Gold Vouchers into Dragon Runestones in Alina's Get Dragon Runes shop at /alchemyacademy. Trade Dragon Runestones for the reagents in the Get Reagents shop.

  2. Defeat Deathmoles at /orecavern and Water Draconians at /lair.

After that, join /alchemy and complete the Rune of Jera (the first one) or use Dragon Runestones. Use the Alchemy guide if you don't know how to do this.

Brittney's Winter Diamond (2)

Defeat Aisha's Drake at /northlands. To get there, click on Call Nythera! when you're at the Water Draconian near the end of the map. You have to complete the quests here to access it.

Cemaros' Amethyst (1)

Purchase from the Chaos Rep shop at /mountdoomskull. You will need Rank 2 Chaos.

Chaoroot (30)

  1. Purchase a Receipt of Swindle from Swindle's Ripoff Emporium at /tercessuinotlim and trade it for 10 Chaoroot.

  2. If you don't want to spend Gold, defeat Hydra Heads at /hydra - if you've already completed the story here, talk to the fairy at /mobius and select The Hydra.

  3. You may also earn this from Escherion while farming "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" and Slugfit while farming "New Worlds, New Opportunities".

Chaorruption Essence (75)

Defeat Chaorrupted enemies at /alliance. Do this at the screen with a Chaorrupted Good Soldier and Chaorrupted Evil Lieutenant to the right.

Combat Trophy (500)

Combat Trophies are awarded to both the losers and winners at /bludrutbrawl but you get more for winning. To win, you need to get to 1000 points. Points are earned every 10 seconds based on how many of the enemy team's guards (Restorers and Brawlers) are dead - however, if the enemy's Captain dies, you instantly get to 1000 points and win the game. Winners get an amount of trophies based on how many enemy NPCs are dead. Losers always get just 1 trophy. Choose your method below to farm them:

  1. Join /bludrutbrawl and defeat all Restorers and at least 1 Brawler (this gets you to 4 trophies if you win). If you defeat all of the enemy's guards, you'll earn 5 trophies.

  2. Alternatively, do the same above but ignore killing the Restorers and go straight for the Brawlers and Captain to earn 4 trophies. However, you'll need a decent soloing class to defeat the Captain and make this effective.

  3. Join a public /bludrutbrawl and play objectively or sit in the starting room. This less effective but you may prefer it.

I recommend obtaining a PvP Health Amulet to use with classes like Sentinel, Dragon of Time, and Healer as their damage is based on their total health. The best one is the Mithril +15000 Amulet, which is merged at /doomarena with both the Diamond and Platinum Amulets, dropped by Reaper at /thevoid. You can access them quickly by selecting Fight Me! from the NPC version of The Reaper at the beginning of the map.
Otherwise, classes like ShadowWeaver of Time, Void Highlord, and Legion Revenant would do great too. If you don't have any of these, use Healer with the Amulet or your best soloing class.

Crimson Face Plate of Nulgath (1)

Complete "Twisted Items of Nulgath" from a Sword of Nulgath pet or Nulgath NPC. For it, obtain 3 Totems of Nulgath (details can be found below) and a Skull Warrior Rune, which is dropped by a Skull Warrior at /evilwarnul.

Crimson Plate of Nulgath (1)

Complete "Twisted Items of Nulgath" from a Sword of Nulgath pet or the Nulgath NPC. For it, obtain 3 Totems of Nulgath (details can be found below) and a Skull Warrior Rune, which is dropped by a Skull Warrior at /evilwarnul.

Cubes (500)

Defeat Box Guardians and Grizzlespit at /boxes. These enemies are aggressive, meaning that you'll be in combat without hitting first. So, you can AFK and let other people fight them for you and you'll still get the drops if you want to.

DaiTengu Blade of Wind (1)

Defeat Dai Tengu at the top of the hotel at /hachiko. Either access them by clicking on Hachiko from Braeus' Fast Travel at /shadowfall or /goto someone.

Dark Crystal Shard (1k)

See the Pet Quests section at the very top for instructions:

  1. Choose Reward - "Tenacity Challenge"
    Nulgath Challenge Pet

  2. Choose Reward - "Contract Exchange"
    Must own Crag & Bamboozle and Drudgen.

  3. 100% - "New Worlds, New Opportunities"
    Nulgath's Birthday Gift

  4. 10% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" AND "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle AND Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  5. 10% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" OR "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle OR Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  6. 100% - "Forge Dark Crystal Shards for Nulgath" + "Carve the Unidentified Gemstone"
    Gemstone of Nulgath

  7. 13% - "Nulgath (Larvae)"
    Nulgath Larvae

  8. 10% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance"
    Drudgen or Swindle

  • Alternative: Merge - Swindle's Ripoff Emporium
    Swindle Bilk at /tercessuinotlim
    Do this if it's the only item you need as you would also obtain other reagents as you farm the above quests.

  • Alternative: 100% - "A Tainted Deal"
    Enn'tropy at /dreadrock
    Requires an Unidentified 13 to accept - Only do this if you have a lot of excess Tainted Gems and only need Dark Crystal Shards.

  • Alternative - Choose Reward - "The Poisonous Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle
    Do this if you have spare Unidentified 10s and Blood Gems of the Archfiend.

Deathdoll Enchant (1)

Defeat Soulseeker at /marsh2 - located at the end of the map.

Death Scythe of Nulgath (1)

Complete "Empowering Items" from a Sword of Nulgath pet. For it, you need:

  • Iron Scythe of Nulgath
    This is from Drudgen the Assistant's "Secret Item" quest, which requires an Unidentified 13 (see Uni 13 section below) and The Secret 1, which drops from the Hidden Spy at /willowcreek - located through the Eastman's house to the right.

  • Unidentified 13 x1

  • Diamond of Nulgath x10

  • Undead Bruiser Sigil
    Defeat an Undead Bruiser at /evilwarnul - located just outside the cave.

Destruction Elixir (300)

Follow one of these methods:

  1. Purchase from Alina's Gebo Merge shop at /alchemyacademy.

  2. If you don't want to spend Gold, defeat Deathmoles and Crashrooms at /orecavern for Arashtite Ore and Dried Slime. Or, you can also use Chaoroot and Necrot if you already have them. I recommend having about 30 of each. Then, complete the Alchemy minigame at /alchemy - don't use Dragon Runestones for this. If you aren't experienced with Alchemy, see here - you will need to be Rank 8 Alchemy to do this. Additionally, merge any Soul Potions you get at Alina's shop at /alchemyacademy or save them for Hollowborn farms.

Diamond of Nulgath (1k)

See the Pet Quests section at the very top for instructions:

  1. 100% - "GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE..."
    Crag & Bamboozle

  2. Choose Reward - "Swindle's Return Policy"
    Swindle at /tercessuinotlim.
    Hang onto Uni 1, 6, 9, 16, and 20 - these will drop from "Supplies..." or "The Assistant". Turn them in with a Dark Makai Rune, which drops from Dark Makai.

  3. 50% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" AND "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle AND Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  4. 50% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" OR "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle OR Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  5. 100% - "New Worlds, New Opportunities"
    Nulgath's Birthday Gift

  6. 50% - "Nulgath (Larvae)"
    Nulgath Larvae

  7. 50% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance"
    Drudgen or Swindle

  8. 100% - "Crush the Weak"
    Diligas at /evilwarnul
    Defeat enemies at /evilwarnul. You need an Unidentified 13 to accept this quest and have completed Galanoth's quests at /lair to "Dragonslayer Reward". Do this if you only need Diamonds of Nulgath as the above quests will reward other items at the same time.

  • Alternative - "Drudgen the Salesman"
    If you happened to get a Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem) but don't need it right now, you can trade it in with this quest along with the Diamonds of Time weapon, which drops from enemies at /cloister (walk up x2>right), and the Tainted Rune of Evil, which drops from the Elementals at /nulgath or /evilmarsh.

  • Alternative - "Crag's Thirst"
    Crag & Bamboozle
    If you
    have excess Unidentified 10s, trade 100 of them plus a Dark Makai Rune, which drops from Dark Makai, for 50 Diamonds.

Doomatter (30)

  1. Purchase a Receipt of Swindle from Swindle's Ripoff Emporium at /tercessuinotlim and trade it for 10 Doomatter.

  2. If you don't want to spend Gold, defeat Fear Feeder at the end of the map at /creepy. This requires membership.

  3. If you're a non-member, join /vordredboss and click continue in the middle. As the cutscene is playing, you can't see it but you can actually still attack Vordred - just use a class that has powerful long-range abilities. This will skip a lot of the cutscene as you spam-click Next at the top-right. The final instance of the cutscene cannot be skipped by attacking.

  4. If you don't want to spam that much, defeat Creature Creation at /maul.

Dracolich Destroyer Scythe (1)

Defeat Avatar of Desolich at /dragonheart. It can be found by walking to the very left of the map then walking up and continuing right.

DragonFire of Nulgath (1)

Complete "Twisted Items of Nulgath" from a Sword of Nulgath pet. For it, obtain 3 Totems of Nulgath (details can be found below) and a Skull Warrior Rune, which is dropped by a Skull Warrior at /archportal.

Elders' Blood (5)

You should complete "Experiment 107: Elders' Blood Potion" from Reens at /arcangrove as often as you can because it's a daily quest. If you don't know how to get to her, go up into the tower then walk into the blue portal at the bottom-right. To complete the quest, defeat Gorillaphants - this is best done at the bottom-right of the overall map as there are 2 on the same screen. You might also want to complete the other Potion quests from Reens as they require Gorillaphant and Seed Spitter drops - the below quest needs the Sparrow's Blood potion.

If you're a member who also owns Crag & Bamboozle, you could complete "Assisting Crag & Bamboozle" from Tendurrr the Assistant. This daily quest is useful for obtaining Void Highlord as it's normally gated by getting 1 Elders' Blood Potion each day. With this method you can get 2. Just remember to max-stack everything that you don't want to drop from this quest so that you can guarantee what you do want.

Emblem of Nulgath (500)

Complete "Nation Recruits: Seal Your Fate" from Tharanak Hrii at /shadowblast by defeating enemies in the same map (from the start screen, go up>left>up). Fiend Seals stack to 500 and the Gem of Domination stacks to 25. However, you will need a Nation Round 4 Medal to accept the quest, which can be obtained from his earlier quests by defeating more enemies in the map.

Essence of Nulgath (100)

Defeat Dark Makai at /tercessuinotlim. If you're a member, farm at /nulgath instead. It has a 10% drop rate.

Essence of Klunk (1)

Defeat Klunk at /underworld.

Essence Potion (99)

Obtain Necrot and either Chaoroot or Doomatter from Swindle's Ripoff Emporium at /tercessuinotlim or their respective drop-locations (see their sections throughout the page). After that, join /alchemy and select the Rune of Uruz, which unlocks at Rank 3 Alchemy. Don't use a Dragon Runestone for this.

Facebreaker of Nulgath (Dagger) (1)

Complete the ""Kindness" of Nulgath" quest from Nulgath at either /tercessuinotlim or your ENNH. It requires:

  • Golden Shadow Breaker
    Drops from the Grand Inquisitor at /citadel.

  • Shadow Terror Axe
    Drops from Bone Terror at /battleundera - get to it quickly by going right from /battleunderb.

  • Unidentified 13 x1

  • Tainted Gem x5

  • Dark Crystal Shard x5

  • Diamond of Nulgath x1

You will be rewarded with either the Facebreaker or SightBlinder.

Faust Face (1)

Defeat Faust at /orchestra - they are at the top of the map.

Fiend Cloak of Nulgath (1)

Purchase for 500k Gold from Nulgath at /tercessuinotlim or ENNH.

Fiend Seal (500)

Accept a quest that requires this drop otherwise it won't drop. Then, defeat enemies at /shadowblast by walking up>left>up from the starting screen.

Fiend Token (30)

  1. 60% - "New Worlds, New Opportunities"
    Nulgath's Birthday Gift

  2. 11% - "Assisting Drudgen"
    Must own Drudgen.

Gem of Nulgath (300)

See the Pet Quests section at the very top for instructions:

  1. Choose Reward - "Contract Exchange"
    Must own Crag & Bamboozle and Drudgen.

  2. 20% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" AND "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle AND Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  3. 20% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" OR "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle OR Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  4. 50% - "New Worlds, New Opportunities"
    Nulgath's Birthday Gift

  5. 40% - "Nulgath (Larvae)"
    Nulgath Larvae

  6. 20% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance"
    Drudgen or Swindle

  7. Choose Reward - "Voucher Item: Totem of Nulgath"
    You need 60 Essence of Nulgath from Dark Makai at /tercessuinotlim or /nulgath. Do this if it's the only item you need as you will get Gems of Nulgath and other useful reagents from the above methods.

  • Alternative: Merge - Swindle's Ripoff Emporium
    Swindle Bilk at /tercessuinotlim
    Do this if it's the only item you need as you would also obtain other reagents as you farm the above quests.

  • Alternative - Choose Reward - "The Refreshing Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle
    Do this if you have spare Unidentified 10s and Blood Gems of the Archfiend

Golden Hanzo Void (1)

Merge this armour in Diligas' Diamond shop at /evilwarnul.

Use this page for details on how to get the following items:

  • ArchFiend's Favour x200

  • Diamond of Nulgath x50

  • Tainted Gem x30

  • Dark Crystal Shard x15

  • Nulgath's Approval x50

  • Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem)

Hadean Onyx of Nulgath (2)

Drops from the Shadow of Nulgath enemy at /tercessuinotlim. This enemy is off-screen but you can get to it by walking left>middle from the starting room. You'll know you're there because a Ninja Spy is in the same room. If you need to leave the room for any reason, take the top-left door and you should see Lae. To get back again, just walk through the top-left door and then up again.

Heart of the Void (1)

Defeat Void Dragon at /void. It's located near the end of the map. To access this location, complete the storyline from /northlands > /kingcoal > /swallowed > /blindingsnow.

King Klunk's Crown (1)

Defeat Legion Fenrirs at /evilwarnul near the end of the map.

Legion Fenrir Rune (1)

Defeat Legion Fenrirs at /evilwarnul near the end of the map. Won't drop unless you're completing a mission that requires it.

Letter from Asuka and Tendou (1)

Defeat Burning Witches at /citadel. There is a screen with 2 of them if you keep walking. These are not inside the caves.

Living Star Essence (1)

Defeat Living Stars at /starsinc - drops during the final AFDL quest.

Mortality Cape of Revontheus (1)

Purchase from Diligas' Favour Shop at /evilwarnul for 35 Archfiend's Favours, which drop by enemies in the same map.

Musgravite of Nulgath (2)

  1. Purchase with 3 Receipts of Swindle from Swindle's Ripoff Emporium at /tercessuinotlim.

  2. If you don't want to spend Gold, defeat the Ancient Chest at /timelibrary - walk up from the starting room.

Mystic Tribal Sword (1)

Purchase from Rayst's shop at /arcangrove - requires Rank 7 Arcangrove.

Nation Round 4 Medal (1)

Complete the following quests from Tharanak Hrii at /shadowblast:

  1. "The Nation Needs YOU!"
    Defeat Legion Airstrike and Shadowrise Guards.

  2. "Show Me More, Nation-Noob"
    Defeat Legion Fenrirs and Doombringers.

  3. "For the Nation!"
    Defeat Legion Cannons, Paragons, Draconic Doomknights, and Doomknight Primes.

  4. "Nulgath Likes Your Style"
    Defeat Grimlord Boss. From the starting screen, walk up > left > up > continue right.

Necrot (30)

  1. Purchase a Receipt of Swindle from Swindle's Ripoff Emporium at /tercessuinotlim and trade it for 10 Necrot.

  2. If you don't want to spend Gold, defeat the Undead Temple Mage at /templeb (I find that it drops more from the Mage than Fighters). This requires membership.

  3. If you don't have membership, defeat Skeleton Fighters at /deathsrealm (there is no room with 2).

Nulgath's Approval (5k)

  1. Defeat enemies at /evilwarnul. The best area to do this in is the first room with grass, near the end of the map, as it has 4 enemies.

  2. Alternatively, farm enemies at the start of the map while you complete one of Diligas' quests ("Crush the Weak" if member, "Only The Strong Survive Today" if not). This is slower but it will also reward Diamonds of Nulgath. You will need an Unidentified 13 to accept these quests and have completed Galanoth's quests at /lair to "Dragonslayer Reward".

Nulgath Shaped Chocolate (1)

Purchase for 2m Gold from the Hologram of Polish's shop at /citadel. You'll need to have completed Murry's quests here first if you haven't done those.

Orochi's Shadow (1)

Defeat Orochi at /shogunwar. They are at the end of the map.

Pink Star Diamond of Nulgath (1)

  1. Merge with 6 Receipts of Swindle at Swindles Ripoff Emporium at /tercessuinotlim.

  2. If you don't want to spend Gold, complete the Guru Forest Witch's quests to "Mixing Pot". Accept the quest then defeat Guru Chests for the Pink Diamond.
    Alternatively, don't complete the quests and simply use a class with long-range abilities to target the chest off-screen in either the room with 2 Leatherwings or the one with the Potion Master NPC.

Polish's Book of Avalon (1)

Defeat Taro Blademaster at /tercessuinotlim.

Random Weapon of Nulgath (1)

  1. 1% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" AND "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle AND Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  2. 1% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" OR "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle OR Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  3. 1% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance"
    Drudgen or Swindle

Scroll of Underworld (99)

Use Archmage Ink to make this combination. If you aren't familiar this, see the SpellCrafting guide. You'll need Rank 8.

Scythe of Sisyphean (1)

Defeat Wind Elementals at /dragonplane. Just walk left.

Seal of Light (50)

Complete Lady Celestia's "Seal of Light" quest at /alteonbattle by defeating Ultra Alteon. This is a daily quest and you must have completed the 13 Lords of Chaos story to access it.

Shadow Lich (1)

Purchase from Gravelyn's Evil Reputation shop at /shadowfall (quickly access by exiting left from /shadowvoid). You will need Rank 10 Evil to buy it.

ShadowStone Rune (1)

Defeat the ShadowStone Support at /necrocavern. To quickly access it, click Necrocavern at Braeus' Fast Travel at /shadowfall then walk down then right. Won't drop unless you have the quest that requires it accepted.

Skull Warrior Rune (1)

Defeat Skull Warriors at /evilwarnul. Won't drop unless you have the quest that requires it accepted.

Sparrow's Blood (3)

Complete "Experiment 231: Sparrow Blood Potion" from Reens at /arcangrove. If you don't know how to get to her, go up into the tower then walk into the blue portal at the bottom-right. To complete the quest, defeat Gorillaphants and Seed Spitters at the bottom and bottom-right of the overall map as there are 2-3 of each on either screen.

Tainted Gem (1k)

See the Pet Quests section at the very top for instructions:

  1. Choose Reward - "Tenacity Challenge"
    Nulgath Challenge Pet

  2. Choose Reward - "Swindle's Return Policy"
    Swindle at /tercessuinotlim.
    Hang onto Uni 1, 6, 9, 16, and 20 - these will drop from "Supplies..." or "The Assistant". Turn them in with a Dark Makai Rune, which drops from Dark Makai.

  3. 30% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" AND "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle AND Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  4. Choose Reward - "Contract Exchange"
    Must own Crag & Bamboozle and Drudgen.

  5. 30% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" OR "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle OR Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  6. 40% - "New Worlds, New Opportunities"
    Nulgath's Birthday Gift

  7. 40% - "Nulgath (Larvae)"
    Nulgath Larvae

  8. 30% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance"
    Drudgen or Swindle

  9. 100% - "Swindle Bulk" or "Cube Reagent"
    Swindle Bilk at /tercessuinotlim or Sword of Nulgath
    Swindle's quest is superior because it also rewards Receipts of Swindle, which can be used for other reagents in his shop. For both quests, defeat Box Guardians and Grizzlespit for Cubes (stacks to 500) at /boxes. Then, join /mountfrost to defeat Snow Golems in the 2nd room for Ice Cubes. Do this if you only want Tainted Gems as you will also get other reagents with the above methods.

  • Alternative - Choose Reward - "The Poisonous Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle
    Do this if you have spare Unidentified 10s and Blood Gems of the Archfiend.

There is no Myself (1)

Defeat the enemy version of yourself at /chaoslord. Must have completed the majority of the 13 Lords of Chaos story to access. Only dropped during "Void Emotions".

The Scythe of Eternal Rest (1)

Defeat Dark Sepulchure at /sepulchure.

The Secret 1 (1)

Defeat the Hidden Spy at /willowcreek - located through the Eastman's house to the right. Needs to have the "Secret Item" quest from Drudgen accepted to drop - don't turn the quest in.

The Secret 4 (1)

Defeat enemy Restorers at /bludrutbrawl, which are located in either side of the room above the centre of the map. You could do this in either a public or private map.

Totem of Nulgath (100)

See the Pet Quests section at the very top for instructions:

  1. 11% - "Assisting Oblivion Blade"
    Must own Oblivion Blade of Nulgath.

  2. 15% - "New Worlds, New Opportunities"
    Nulgath's Birthday Gift

  3. 1% - "Nulgath (Larvae)"
    Nulgath Larvae
    Don't do this if you only want Totems of Nulgath as the drop rate is so low. This method is only mentioned if you plan on completing the quest anyway.

  4. Choose Reward: "The Refreshing Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle
    If you have spare Unidentified 10s and Blood Gems of the Archfiend, try completing this quest.
    You need a Purified Claymore of Destiny to accept it, which is rewarded from Polish's "Purified Claymore" quest from /cragglerock. This quest requires Rank 8 Good and a Warrior Claymore Blade, which drops from Undead Berserkers at /marsh2.
    After you have that, turn in the Uni 10s, Blood Gems, and farm Big Jack Sprat at /graveyard for the Undead Plague Spear.

  5. Choose Reward: "Voucher Item: Totem of Nulgath" or "Totem of Nulgath"
    Drudgen or Nulgath
    For "Voucher Item: Totem of Nulgath", defeat Dark Makai at /tercessuinotlim or /nulgath for 60 Essence of Nulgath.
    If you're doing Nulgath's quest, you only need 25 Essence of Nulgath but you also have to defeat Taro Manslayer (also at /tercessuinotlim) for his Taro's Manslayer weapon.
    Either quest could be faster depending on what classes you have as you need a good soloing class to defeat Taro. You can also AFK at the Dark Makai's for passive kills/drops, just remember to attack at least once.

Undead Bruiser Rune (1)

Defeat Undead Bruisers at /evilwarnul, which are located just outside the cave and beyond. Won't drop unless you have the quest that requires it accepted.

Undead Essence (1000)

Choose your method:

  1. "Soul Searching"
    Yara at /battleunderc
    For this quest, do the following:

  • Exit left from /battleunderc then walk up to defeat the Undead Champion.

  • Exit top-right from /battleunderb to defeat Bone Terror.

  • If you're a member, exit left from /battleunderd to defeat the Crystalised Jellyfish - otherwise walk to it from /battleunderc.

You need to have completed Yara's quests at /battleundera/b/c to access the "Soul Searching" quest.

  1. If you'd prefer not to move around, just defeat enemies at /battleunderb.

Unidentified 10 (1k)

See the Pet Quests section at the very top for instructions:

  1. 100% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" AND "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle AND Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  2. 100% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" OR "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle OR Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  3. 100% - "Nulgath (Larvae)"
    Nulgath Larvae

  4. 100% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance"
    Drudgen or Swindle

  5. 100% - "Dirt-y Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"
    Swindle Bilk at /tercessuinotlim
    If you only want Unidentified 10s, this is a great method if you have a good soloing class. Otherwise, choose an above method as you'll also earn other reagents at the same time.
    To accept the quest, you need to defeat Escherion at /escherion for an Emerald Axe (<1% drop rate) and Gravediggers at /legioncrypt for the Seraphic Grave Digger Spade. Then, obtain the following:

      1. Slugbutter Digging Advice
        Defeat Slugbutter at /towerofdoom10. You need to complete the previous /towerofdoom maps to access it. You will also need a strong soloing class to defeat it alone.

      2. Chaotic Tunneling Techniques x2
        Defeat Chaos Tunneler at /crownsreach (walk up, right, right, down x3).

      3. Crystallised Corporate Digging Secrets x3
        Defeat Crystal Mana Construct at /downward. You must have completed Warlic's Journey to the Center of Lore quests at /battleon then Cysero's quests. After that, go to /downward and complete Warlic's quests there.

You might also get Blood Gems and Receipts of Swindle from this quest. Use the Receipts in Swindle's merge shop for other reagents that you need.

  • Alternative: 100% - "Void Highlord's Challenge"
    Void Highlord NPC at /tercessuinotlim
    By farming Void Highlord, you will earn these passively.

  • Alternative: 100% - "Kiss the Void"
    Nulgath at /tercessuinotlim
    If you're farming Blood Gems of the ArchFiend with this method, you will earn Uni 10s passively.

Unidentified 13 (13)

See the Pet Quests section at the very top for instructions:

  1. 100% - "Diamond Exchange"
    Crag & Bamboozle
    Requires 15 Diamonds of Nulgath (see section above) and a Dark Makai Sigil, which drops from Dark Makai at /tercessuinotlim or /nulgath. Do this if you only want Unidentified 13s otherwise complete a method from below as they will reward other reagents at the same time.

  2. 15% - "New Worlds, New Opportunities"
    Nulgath's Birthday Gift

  3. 1% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" AND "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle AND Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  4. 1% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" OR "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle OR Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  5. 5% - "Nulgath (Larvae)"
    Nulgath Larvae

  6. 1% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance"
    Drudgen or Swindle

Unidentified 19 (1)

See the Pet Quests section at the very top for instructions:

  1. 11% - "Assisting Oblivion Blade"
    Must own Oblivion Blade of Nulgath.

  2. 3% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" AND "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle AND Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  3. 3% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" OR "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle OR Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  4. 3% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance"
    Drudgen or Swindle

  • Alternative: 100% - "Assisting Crag & Bamboozle"
    Only do this if you just want a
    n Unidentified 19 or non-mem voucher and have max-stacked all the other rewards as it will force a non-mem voucher to drop. Must own Crag & Bamboozle.

  • Alternative: Merge - Swindle's Ripoff Emporium
    Swindle Bilk at /tercessuinotlim
    If you're a member, you can do this if you only want an Unidentified 19 as other quests will reward Uni 19 along with many other reagents at the same time.

Unidentified 22 (1)

1% - "The Assistant"
Crag & Bamboozle, Drudgen, or Swindle
This requires a War-Torn Memorabilia from /yulgar in the Armour Shop, which costs 100k Gold.

Unidentified 23 (1)

  1. 1% - "The Assistant"
    Crag & Bamboozle, Drudgen, or Swindle
    This requires a War-Torn Memorabilia from /yulgar in the Armour Shop, which costs 100k Gold.

  2. Merge - Swindle's Ripoff Emporium
    Swindle Bilk at /tercessuinotlim
    Trade an Unmoulded Fiend Essence. This method costs 15m Gold. I recommend just spamming "The Assistant" instead as it would cost 10m on average and also reward other reagents at the same time.

Unidentified 24 (1)

  1. 100% - "The Assistant"
    Drudgen or Swindle
    This requires a War-Torn Memorabilia from /yulgar in the Armour Shop, which costs 100k Gold.

  2. 25% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance"

Unidentified 25 (1)

  1. 1% - "The Assistant"
    Crag & Bamboozle, Drudgen, or Swindle
    This requires War-Torn Memorabilia from /yulgar in the Armour Shop, which costs 100k Gold.

  2. Merge - Swindle's Ripoff Emporium
    Swindle Bilk at /tercessuinotlim
    Trade an Unmoulded Fiend Essence. This method costs 15m Gold. I recommend just spamming "The Assistant" instead as it would cost 10m on average and also reward other reagents at the same time.

Unidentified 27 (1)

Complete the "Ordinary Cape" quest from a Sword of Nulgath pet. It requires:

  • Unidentified 26
    Obtain this from any "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" quest. It's a 3% drop from each.

  • Tainted Gem x5

  • Dark Makai Sigil
    Defeat Dark Makai at /tercessuinotlim or /nulgath.

Unidentified 29 (1)

  1. 3% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" AND "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle AND Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  2. 3% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" OR "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle OR Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  3. 3% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance"
    Drudgen or Swindle

Unidentified 34 (300)

Rewarded from "Willpower Extraction" during the AFDL farm.

Unidentified 35 (300)

Rewarded from "Nulgath Demands Work" during the AFDL farm. It's guaranteed to get this after 9 turn-ins as you can merge 9 ArchFiend Essence Fragments at Swindle's Ripoff Emporium at /tercessuinotlim.

Voucher of Nulgath (1)

See the Pet Quests section at the very top for instructions:

  • 10% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" AND "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle AND Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  • 10% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" OR "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle OR Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  • 10% - "New Worlds, New Opportunities"
    Nulgath's Birthday Gift

  • 10% - "Nulgath (Larvae)"
    Nulgath Larvae

  • 10% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance"
    Drudgen or Swindle

  • 11% - "Assisting Oblivion Blade"
    Must own Oblivion Blade of Nulgath.

  • Alternative: Merge - Swindle's Ripoff Emporium
    Swindle Bilk at /tercessuinotlim
    Only do this if you need it immediately as the above methods will also earn you other reagents at the same time. But if you want to obtain it through Gold, I recommend farming "The Assistant" from Drudgen/Crag instead by purchasing War-Torn Memorabilia from /yulgar as it will reward many reagents.

Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem) (1)

See the Pet Quests section at the very top for instructions:

  1. 11% - "Assisting Oblivion Blade"
    Must own Oblivion Blade of Nulgath.

  2. 3% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" AND "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle AND Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  3. 3% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance" with "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" OR "The Dark Deal"
    Crag & Bamboozle OR Oblivion Blade of Nulgath

  4. 3% - "New Worlds, New Opportunities"
    Nulgath's Birthday Gift

  5. 3% - "Nulgath (Larvae)"
    Nulgath Larvae

  6. 3% - "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance"
    Drudgen or Swindle

  • Alternative: Merge - Swindle's Ripoff Emporium
    Swindle Bilk at /tercessuinotlim
    Do this if it's the only item you need as you may obtain a non-mem voucher as you farm for other reagents.

  • Alternative: 100% - "Assisting Crag & Bamboozle/Drudgen"
    Only do this if you just want a non-mem voucher and have max-stacked all the other rewards as it will force a non-mem voucher to drop. Must own Crag & Bamboozle or Drudgen.

Void Aura (7.5k)

Quests 1 & 2 below will reward 2, 5, or 10 Void Auras. 3 & 4 will reward 50 or 100, depending on which one you're doing.

  1. "Commanding Shadow Essences"
    Braeus at /shadowfall
    You will need to own SDKA to accept it. This is a must as a member. For the quest, gather:

  • Empowered Essence x50
    Defeat Shadow Warriors, Guardians, and Pure Shadowscythe at /shadowrealmpast.

  • Malignant Essence x3
    Defeat Shadow Lord at /shadowlord if you're a member. Otherwise, complete "Key to the ShadowLord" quest from Skully at /shadowrealm (top-left>right from starting screen) by defeating enemies at /shadowrealmpast. Then, enter to the portal on the screen left of Skully.

  1. "Retrieve Void Auras"
    Braeus at /shadowfall
    This is your only option if you are purely free-to-play. It isn't worth doing at all unless you only want a very small amount of Void Auras. You'll need Rank 10 Evil and completion of Kitsune's (Map > Story) and Galanoth's (/lair) storylines. Use Braeus' Fast Travel at /shadowfall to quickly get to each boss then obtain 20 Essences from them.

  2. "Glimpse Into The Dark (Daily)"
    This quest requires membership and is accepted from Braeus at /shadowfall. Turn in:
    - Kraken Doubloon x13: Defeat the Chaos Kraken with the "Keelhaulin' a Kraken" quest accepted from the top-right button at /chaoskraken. Stacks to 100.
    - Ancient Trigora's Horns x3: Defeat Ancient Trigoras at /ancienttrigoras. Stacks to 3.
    - Graveclaw's Broken Axe: Defeat Graveclaw the Destroyer at /gravechallenge. Doesn't stack. Use the menu to the right on the first screen to get to Graveclaw.

  3. "The Encroaching Shadows (Daily)"
    This quest doesn't require membership but it does need a group to complete. Turn in these items to Braeus at /shadowfall:
    Glacial Pinion: Defeat Warlord Icewing at /icestormarena.
    Hydra Eyeball x3: Defeat the Hydra Head 90s at /hydrachallenge (select them from the Dew Drop fairy at the beginning screen).
    Flibbitigiblets: Defeat Flibbitiestgibbet at /thevoid (keep walking right and back until you get the correct screen).

Warden of Light (1)

Merge 500 Combat Trophies at the PvP Trophy Shop within the Game Menu. The best methods to earn Combat Trophies can be found near the top of this page.

Zee's Red Jasper (3)

Defeat the Flame Soldier at the starting screen of /embersea. This has a 2% drop rate.

1v1 PvP Trophy (100)

Complete "Victory Most Honourable" from Dumoose at /doomarena. It requires 10 wins in the arena - queue from Dumoose or duel against someone (this could even be an alt so you get guaranteed wins). The quest can only be completed once a day.

4th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet (1)

1% - "The Assistant"
Crag & Bamboozle, Drudgen, or Swindle
This requires a War-Torn Memorabilia from /yulgar in the Armour Shop, which costs 100k Gold.