Rat Control

Apex Pest Control offers Integrated Pest Management to residential and commercial clients throughout Yorkshire, UK. Using over 35 years of experience and trusted members of the NPTA and CHAS, Apex pest technicians excel as local pest experts. Apex is available 7 days a week and provides free quotes and transparent prices.

If you require rodent, vermin, insect, bed bug or bird extermination Apex Pest Control are on hand to help you. We specialise in pest services such as proofing your property against a pest infestation as well as pest treatment and removal.

For professional pest control services and eradication of your pest issues, call Apex Pest Control today!

Getting Rid Of Rats UK

Rat Control Near Me

Rats are the very last thing you want to see in your house all the more on your dining table or your closet. Don't you just hate it when you see one eating the food on your table? Rats are nasty dangerous creatures that can pose hazards to your health and your things as well. Getting rid of them is the goal of every homeowner. Did you know that rats have poor vision? Yup and they rely mostly on their other senses and they move through the dark making use of their long whiskers and guard hairs on their bodies to guide them.

If you want to trick a rat and capture it, make sure you don't feed it with rotten food or anything it wouldn't like. It's hard to believe but rats have a discriminating taste too. They are very cautious as well which means that they will need to drag the food somewhere else and consume it. Rats have a keen sense of smell to locate food so the smell of any bait can be easily used to make it even more attractive to them.

One nice way to capture a rat is by using a wooden snap trap. This is the kind we always see in cartoons and movies. Not a lot of people use this kind of trap because it can only trap one rat at a time and others just think it's low on the humanity scale because it will kill the animal painfully. If you are on the gentle side, you can use a glue board instead. These are made of wood or cardboard and are covered with enormously sticky glue. When a rat runs across it, it will get stuck. How will it die? By either starving to death or suffocating. I always put a piece of bread or some bread crumbs on the glue board so that the rat will take the bait in no time and it always works!

If you don't want the rats in your house to end up dead (which is unlikely), you can use the multi-catch trap instead. The only problem is you have to go somewhere else to set them free which means they can end up in somebody else's house or even yours again. If you think there are a lot of rats in your house and you have had this problem for a long time now, you might consider calling a pest control service to eliminate the problem completely.

I have been in the pest control industry for just about 15 years now, so you might say I know a thing or too about it. For some people dealing with pest control is a scary and daunting thought, it puts peoples barriers up, like any trade or subject most people don't have the first clue about.

Dealing with rodents or insects is an issue that 70% of people have never had to deal with. It may be a rat control problem or a wasps nest in a inconvenient place.

 So here are a few ideas and tips to help you find a company that is right for you and one you can trust. The first thing to remember when dealing with any type of pest any that you do not know a great deal about is leave it to the professionals, you never know you just may be allergic to them. When arranging for a company to call to your remember always ring around at least two or three and make sure the one that sounds the most competent offers a free call out and survey. A free call out is a must have, this is the first part of the process of saving money. Once the engineer arrives at your property he should then carry out a thorough site survey, it is at this point the pest controller should identify your problem and give you a quotation for your infestation and not an over the phone standard charge that may be over priced and will only be appropriate for a pest control Infestation that is a lot larger than yours.

There are over 4,000 rodent species categorized based on their anatomy similarities and differences. Overall, three major groups with over 30 families make up the total rodent population.

Common Rodent Types

The more common rodents fall into three major suborders. The suborder Sciuromorpha includes squirrels, chipmunks, marmots, woodchucks, prairie dogs, gophers, pocket mice, kangaroo rats, and beavers. The suborder Myomorpha is made up of mouse-like rodents and includes a large variety of mouse and rat species, such as hamsters, lemmings, voles, muskrats, gerbils, dormice, and jerboas. The suborder Hystricomorpha includes porcupine, capybara, nutria, agouti, cavy, mara, chinchilla, and several other species.

Commensal Rodents

Rats and mice are largely responsible for eating up or contaminating a food supply. These types of rodents are known as "commensal rodents" because they live with or in close association to humans. The most common commensal rodents are the house mouse, the Norway rat and the roof rat. These rodents spoil our food by contaminating it with feces, hair and dander. These pests are found in homes, supermarkets, and restaurants throughout the United States in addition to warehouses and food processing facilities. The prevention and control of the commensal rodent population is a large concern in many states where these pests are able to thrive.

Rodent Pest Control Options

Rodent pest control can be managed in several ways, depending on your where you live, your desire to be green and your budget. The following offers pros and cons for various pest control options.

Mechanical traps. These traps are the fastest and most reliable ways to control pest problems. The trapping of mice has several advantages including value, ease-of-use, and safety. Many home and business owners like traps because they can confirm that the pest control service they hired got them results. It also ensures that the rodents do not die in crawl spaces or basements where they are more difficult to remove. Traps used in conjunction with other green pest control methods often have the best overall results.

Despite these advantages, mechanical traps for mice and rat control may be a bit crude considering other methods today. Animal lovers may not like the cruelty aspect of the way the rodent is killed. Also, such devices placed around an active home or business can be dangerous to little children and pets.

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Green Chemical Pest Control. This pest control service offers several advantages and few disadvantages. Chemical pest control is available that is made up of reduced or non-toxic products. Some pest prevention services will offer chemical repellants that include organic or natural products designed to be both effective and biodegradable. This control option is environmentally friendly. They are also less toxic and therefore are safer to have applied to your home if you have small children or pets.

Sound Repellents. Rodent repellents that use sound are considered more humane than traditional mice traps. This method uses a device that puts out an intense sound that displaces rodents, causing them to flee from your home. This option is an ideal pest control method for those with small children or other pets that need to be kept safe.  Electronic Traps, these are great tools for trapping rats and mice without having to worry in disposing the remains. When the rodent gets caught in the trap it stays in a contained area away from sight.

An idicator light will tell you if it has captured a rat. You dispose of the remains by opening the end of the trap and throwing the remains to a trash bin, just as you would empty a basket of paper clippings.

Some manufacturers even make disposable non-electronic traps which boast a 'No View, No Touch' feature. These are generally used to trap mice, but might not prove to be effective for rats. CON Rodenticides make these kinds of disposable traps, which you just throw away after a successful capture, without having to see the gross thing inside. Now that's convenient!

Baits, when you use traditional snap traps, you normally have to lure rodents by putting peanut butter or the classic cheese wedge on it. However, you can also buy special baits that are meant to be used alone. These baits are poisonous, so it would be prudent to keep it away from pets and children (obviously). These rat control baits are designed so that rodents who ingest the bait would seek out light and die outside of your house or apartment, and not rot and leave a funky gross smell in some dark unreachable nook in your house.


Rat Control
Rat And Mice Pest Control
Pest Control For Rats
Humane Rat Removal
Rat Pest Control
Rat Pest Control Cost

Baiting by itself is an effective rat control method to kill the little vermin without having to an undertaker's job of disposing of the remains. Baits in pellet form can be bought which work on both rats and mice, and can be left in a tray. Some baits even come in nifty pouches that rats can chew through which you can just leave in corners where rats frequent.

Rodent baits should have the United States Environmental Protection Agency registration on it. Make sure that you strictly follow the procedure and instructions on its label. If you wish to place these baits within your house, label them carefully with their specific usage.

You should remember however that not all baits work. It's going to be an excellent idea if you get help from pest service that you know of since pest control professionals certainly hold the knowledge in the 'how-to's' of this tough battle. Pest management are often a hard task, so bear in mind that professional pest control services are just a phone call away to cater your rat control concerns.

Rats can be trapped with great success using your standard wooden rat trap such as those made by Victor. These can even be purchased a dozen at a time to save money. If you have a rat infestation in an attic or outbuilding, the best technique is to put out as many traps as possible and bait them all at once. This is to greatly reduce the rodent population before they become trap shy. Bait the traps with what you have available, no need for expensive commercial baits. Baits such as peanut butter, nuts, candy and bacon are but a few that people have great success with. Try baiting the traps for a week prior to setting them to get the rats used to feeding at the traps.

Place your snap traps along the rodent runs characterized by dark smudging from the oils in their fur. If possible place the traps with the trigger perpendicular to a wall. Trapping rodents with wooden snap traps works very well and is still one of the most common methods used by professional pest control companies.

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Once you have trapped most or all of the rats, it is time to seal any access point they might have used to get in the home. Check for any openings or cracks, even as small as one quarter to one half an inch. My advise is to repair any crack or hole no matter how small as rats are good at chewing holes and making little holes into big ones. If you have copper wire mesh, this is one of the best ways to plug a hole or even copper pot scrubbers made of copper mesh can be called into service.

It is best to secure the mesh with caulk or an expanding type construction foam. This serves to keep the rats from pushing the mesh out of the hole. Heavy wire hardware cloth can be used to seal openings across vents, just make sure the holes in the mesh are small enough. No need to spend a lot of money, just make sure your repairs use materials the rats can't chew through.

To make sure the little guests won't be coming back, it is time to make your home and your property unattractive to rats. Much of this revolves around basic sanitation. Make sure your garbage can lids are tight, no excess pet food is left out, and any other potential sources of rat food such as fruit from fruit trees are cleaned up. Unfortunately this also includes birdseed. There is nothing wrong with loving birds but putting out birdseed doesn't just feed the birds. Rodents love birdseed!

Rats can be very dangerous creatures that may contaminate your food, destroy your property, and even start electrical fires. Plus, rats, their feces, and rat fleas can carry disease, making them an especially risky health hazard. As such, it is very important to get rid of rats. Unfortunately, rats can be quite difficult to get rid of as they can inhabit many areas inside and around your home from wood piles, bushes, or trash cans outdoors, to insulation of walls and ceilings, crawl spaces, under cupboards and bathtubs, and near hot water heaters and furnaces.

If you have spotted signs of rats including droppings; chewed-up siding, insulation, or walls; or evidence of contaminated food, it is time to take action. Rats and mice procreate often so you will need to be vigilant about finding and removing rats from your home. Traps can be an excellent method of getting rid of rats; simply bait the traps with dried fruit, peanut butter, or cheese and wait to collect the trapped rats. Experts recommend that you set the traps to right angles near walls where rodents are suspected to inhabit, with the bait side of the trap facing the wall. Always wear gloves and use a plastic bag to dispose of a trapped rodent to prevent the spread of disease.

Usually, it is not advisable to use rat poisons as these are less immediate means of killing rats. A poisoned rat may have time to crawl away before it dies and as such you will not always be able to find it immediately. These dead rats then become breeding grounds for disease and bacteria. Furthermore, rat poisons pose a significant risk to the health of pets, wild animals, and children and therefore should be avoided.

Rat extermination is not as simple a process as roach or ant control is. For roaches and ants you can simply spray pesticide and they will be controlled. But it is not so in the case of rats. For rats you will need to adopt a completely diverse approach. Unlike roaches and ants, rats can smell the various dangers around them. They will use every tactic to avoid the various pesticides and sprays, to stay alive. To effectively carry out the rat extermination, you will need to use various do it yourself pest control methods.

When you decide to handle the rat control problem yourself, the first thing that you should check out is their place of residence. After locating their living area you should find their path into your home. That is how they enter your home. They can come through the roof, some holes in the basements or doors. Try to block all the incoming routes for the rats. Normally the rats look to live in a dark places where there is no noise. So you can look into your store rooms for balls of fur. Keep track of all the dark nooks in your home. Also take notice of their droppings that rats will have left on the way to their holes.

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After you have discovered the rats place of residence, you next need to decide on the method of rat extermination that you will utilize. Gather the pest control items that you will be using to kill the rats. There are lots of methods to control these rodents but which method to choose will depend on where the rats are residing. You should take into consideration the accessibility of the area. If the area where the rats live is open and large then you should use a snap trap. In open areas, a snap trap is the most effective method to kill the rats. This trap will use bait to lure the rat. Bait is connected to a spring propelled lever which will close or shut down as soon as the rat eats it. In this trap, the death of the rat is immediate without putting the rat through the ignominy of staying in the trap.

Now if the rats are staying in some narrow or closed part of your home then you should make use of a glue trap. In the glue trap, there is a long strip of glue like substance covered by plastic. In the UK these glue traps are easily available at the pest control shops. The plastic gets peeled off and the trap is placed in the rat infected area. As soon the rat steps onto it, it is trapped forever inside it. In this trap the rat is not killed. 

But the rat can also not escape from the glue trap. There is a plastic bag tied to the glue trap and the rat will be trapped into that. You can dispose of this plastic bag. This will also help in the sense that no other animal will be able to eat the rat inside the plastic trap. By using these home remedy pest control methods of rat extermination, you can keep your home free of any sort of rodents.

Picture yourself sleeping soundly after a hard day's work. You're caught up in a really nice dream, mouth lolling open from exhaustion. Between intakes of breath and the occasional snore, you feel something falling on your face, then something gets into your mouth and you suddenly jolt awake, coughing and choking, breaking your peaceful slumber. Horror of horrors, you find out to your absolute disgust that what you thought was dust or whatever was actually rat droppings! Eeeew! I wager you wouldn't want such an incident to happen to you.

There is a particular need for these problems to be put under control, since these problems are not only common in your area, but worldwide. Businesses and homes are not all safe from the risks and damages associated with rodent infestation.

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The need for good rodent control and elimination is quite a common issue where homeowners and business proprietors are at great risk for infestation. The presence of rodents on one's roof goes well beyond the typical rat control issue. The disease risk notwithstanding, the presence of roof rats can wreck havoc on residential and commercial property. It is important to know steps on how to keep roof rat infestations under control.

Rats are a major carrier of hazardous diseases and a number of bacterial infections, among them the Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, the plauge, Murine Typhus, Leptospirosis, Eosinophilic Meningitis, and Rat Bite Fever. This coterie of diseases are all highly dangerous and affect anyone regardless of age or state of health, which is why controlling rat infestation must be one of a homeowner's or business owner's top priorities.

If you have rodent control problems, it is easy to contract diseases carried by the pests since it is it is easy to spread the bacteria carried by rats by their droppings or by them coming into contact with food. Rat bites aren't the only way to spread disease. Aside from droppings, urine is also another highly dangerous thing to come into contact with. 

If the pest infestation is not put under control, you will be at great risk for contracting diseases from the presence of roof rats. The ingestion of droppings, the contact of rat urine with foodstuffs or water, on skin even, and the inhalation of the fume from rat excrement is sufficient to infect a person. The removal of rat droppings as well as any attempt at a thorough and quick termination of a rodent infestation can be dangerous, and should be handled by a trained and qualified Florida Pest Control specialist. The process of cleaning, decontamination, and termination is fast, reliable, and will prove beneficial for any business establishment or household.

Have you ever been laying in bed at night or enjoying a movie with your family and all of a sudden you hear scratching, thumping or scampering that sounds as if its coming from everywhere. Well you may now be a victim of a Rat infestation. Most homeowners won't figure out they are infested until they either start hearing noises, a service provider such as Plumber, A/C, Cable or Insulation Contractor finds feces in the attic or sees a furry critter scurry across the floor. Now by that time the damage will have been done and you are left with a full blown infestation.

Rats have been a nuisance for hundreds of years. They enter thousands of homes and businesses every year. Rats carry diseases and parasites, and which can cause health issues for you and your family. Besides the health issues they can also cause serious property damage to your home. Rats in the attic can chew on wires which can causes fires. Rats are nocturnal animals so they are highly active at night. Unfortunately thats when most of us like to sleep. Being kept up at night is not fun. It can effects your personal and professional life. Your boss is not going to want to hear, "My Rats in the attic kept me up all night with their scratching".

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Apex Pest Control

Address: 54 Baxter Dr Sheffield S6 1GH

Phone: 0114 349 1098

Apex Pest Control offers Integrated Pest Management to residential and commercial clients throughout Yorkshire, UK. Using over 35 years of experience and trusted members of the NPTA and CHAS, Apex pest technicians excel as local pest experts. Apex is available 7 days a week and provides free quotes and transparent prices.

If you require rodent, vermin, insect, bed bug or bird extermination Apex Pest Control are on hand to help you. We specialise in pest services such as proofing your property against a pest infestation as well as pest treatment and removal.

For professional pest control services and eradication of your pest issues, call Apex Pest Control today!

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Now that we have scratched the surface on Rats, lets go over why they chose to make your home theirs. Rats are interested in only three things: Food, Shelter and Water. If you property supplies those three things a Rat sees prime real-estate. If your property doesn't supply these three things there is not one far away. Rats do not travel that far to seek food and water from their nest. Rats like to stay hidden and stay in the shadows. Rats can't really protect themselves from predators so they need a good sturdy structure to stay alive. Rats will often times travel in packs while searching for food.

Rats will use any means possible to gain access onto your roof. Rats are very good climbers and do not weigh very much so climbing vertically is not a challenge. Tree branches provide the easiest way to access your roof top due to branches growing too close to your roof. Rats may also use Gutters, Fences and Patio screens as other pathways. Rats are always trying to find a new home so keep a look out around the outside of your home to see if you may possibly be providing them with an easy access point to your home. Once on the roof they will find a way in or create one if one isn't available. Most of the time Rats find an existing hole left from contractors that built your home such as gaps in stucco, soffit that is not finished or fascia boards that were never sealed. This happens in all types of construction. If you think your safe because your house is brand new, think again. Rats find these holes and enter your attic with out any struggle. So if a Rat makes a new hole, well then it really wanted to make a new home.

The conventional age-old methods of rodent control created almost as much hassle and botheration as the vermin itself. One typical problem in controlling rat infestation is the terrific rate at which rats breed and multiply. If the crisis is not resolved in the initial stages then it most likely gets out of regulation. Homes, restaurants, farms, ranches, bakeries, warehouses have all suffered in various degrees the hazards of a rat invasion and tried to manage it with poisons and rat traps with little or no success. The Rat Zapper happens to be an incidental invention but in terms of its effectiveness and benefits it soon became the most potent weapon in the human fight-back.

The use of poisons in pest control is common enough though it has several obvious disadvantages. Rat poison is generally mixed with food that is tempting to the rats and is left in places, which are most likely to be haunted. As such, it is also accessible to pets in the house and even children and poses a serious threat to their safety. So if something that is being used for protection against rodents becomes a danger itself, the objective is defeated.

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