Bumble Bee Removal

Bumble Bee Removal – Getting Rid of Bees


When most people think of bumble bees, they think of adorable, fuzzy creatures that make great additions to any garden. However, when a colony of bumble bees takes up residence in your home, they can quickly become a nuisance.

If you’re dealing with a bumblebee problem, it’s important to know how to get rid of them safely and effectively. This blog post will discuss the best ways to remove bumble bees from your home and property.

Can Bumble Bees Live in Walls?

It is rare to need to remove bumble bee nests from walls, as they will only be temporary. The purpose of killing bumble bees is something people have unheard of.

They have striped yellow and black bands on their bodies and are fuzzy creatures. Having a round body and soft hair covering it, they appear and feel fuzzy. As a warning signal, yellow and black alternate colours. Bumble bees’ stings are fairly painful for humans.

It depends on the type of bee on which the warning colour will change from yellow to black, pink, white, red, or orange.

A relocation may seem like a great solution, but it is not guaranteed to be successful – the definition of success is a colony that produces new queens at the end of the season, not merely one that is alive a few days later.

Can I Get Bumble Bees Removed?

Bumble bees can be eradicated using a variety of methods, depending on where their colonies are located (for example, in a yard, house, garden, in the ground, in a car, etc.)

These bees can be troublesome now that you know. Getting rid of these bees will cost you a lot of money if you hire an exterminator. And if you can avoid killing so many bees, isn’t that better?

Contrary to popular belief bees aren’t protected and can be treated, however, they are endangered so we’d always recommend exploring all other avenues before considering eradication

When left alone and unprovoked, bees do not cause any damage to your property, nor are you at risk of getting stung. The majority of bees will leave the nesting site after the summer season and not return the following year.

The activity of a colony will be in decline by the time it becomes obvious. As spring progresses, spring colonies usually begin to decline naturally by late July, if not earlier. To ensure that bee nests thrive, always leave them alone. Bees actually provide benefits to gardeners and their crops, so always leave them alone.

If the bees nest underground or outside, then it shouldn’t really be necessary to move it. You can also contact a local beekeeper, the British beekeepers association, or professional pest control company like Apex Pest Control to relocate a nest if it is located in a more conventional area such as bushes, trees (tree branch), or sheds.

You may wish to use a swarm collector or get in touch with the Tree Bee Society if you suspect you have honeybees causing problems. Swarms are usually collected free of charge by them. There are companies that specialise in removing nests from tricky places, such as chimneys and cavities.

What Are the Ways to Remove Bumble Bees?

The Nest is Tarped


The downside of tarping is its risky nature, but it is a great, environment-friendly option for trapping bees. The bumble bee nest must be covered with tarps and heavy objects like stones and bricks need to be placed on the sides of the tarps. Nighttime is the best time to do this. It’s because if you try to place the tarp in the morning, you might disturb the bees.

In order to draw as little attention to yourself as possible, you should wear dark clothes while carrying out this task. Another option is to use a few extra hands for this so one person can place the tarp over the nest while another places the bricks.


Gardeners Should Water Their Gardens Frequently


Most bumble bees build their nests and hives in sandy and dry soil because dry and sandy soil are attractive to female bees. You can start watering your garden and lawn more frequently if you see hives under the ground. These bees will not return to the area if the soil is wet and moist. Bees can be naturally and humanely eliminated with this method which is extremely inexpensive.




Bees are said to be put off by the smell of mothballs. Mothballs can be hung around your garden or placed where you see bees frequently. Bumble bee hives can be prevented from building using this method.


Plants That Repel Bees


Bees are generally drawn to flowers and plants, but mint is one plant that repels them. One of the methods you can use to repel bees if you see bee hives or nests in your garden is to plant bee-repelling plants.

You can use some of these home remedies to naturally get rid of bumble bees. An alternative solution would be to call a professional beekeeper or bumble bee exterminator if nothing else seems to work.


Soapy Mint Water and Boiling Water


If you want to eliminate the bees effectively, you need to attack the nest. Using this method will help you find the location of the ground bee nest when dealing with ground bees. Nearly all insects are killed by mint oil, and soapy boiling water enhances its effectiveness.

Keep a kettle of hot boiling water on hand and mix two cups of water and 2-3 cups of peppermint castile soap. With a hose or a pipe, pour the soap and water mixture down the nest while wearing protective clothing. 

After this, run into the house and pour boiling water to avoid stings from bumble bees. When the hot boiling water is poured through the nest, the soap water will successfully pass through. If you try this method, it is critical to warn any neighbours to keep windows and doors closed and stay inside their property.

Vinegar Spray


The use of vinegar spray in your yard and garden is a great way to get rid of bumble bees. You’ll need to protect yourself when applying it. To avoid getting stung by bees, simply mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray can and spray it over the nest at night.

Additionally, you may wish to spray this mixture on the flowers, bushes, and plants within your garden, as they are the most active there. As you spray the mixture, keep applying until you have eliminated all the bees.


DIY Bee Spray


Make your own bee repellent spray if you want to get rid of bees naturally. Honey, floral, and fruity perfumes are known to attract bumble bees. Mix one cup of odorless baby shampoo with cinnamon, tea tree, and peppermint oils to make your own spray.

Either one or all of them can be used – it is completely up to you. This mixture should be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on their nests as well as plants and flowers where they can be found most often.



Citrus is also effective in driving away bees. Put slices of citrus fruit in boiling water and let them steam. Boil the water until it is about a third of its original volume and then put it in the spray can. This mixture should be applied to the beehives and nests, flowers, and plants where they are typically found.




Another spice from the kitchen that can be used to keep bumble bees away without killing them is cinnamon. The best way to use this method is to sprinkle ground cinnamon around the beehive and leave it for at least a couple of weeks. When the bees see the cinnamon, they will relocate immediately.


Citronella Candles


It is well known that citronella candles repel mosquitoes. Additionally, they can be used to deter bumble bees from your home. The best thing about them is that they get rid of the bees naturally without harming them.

Infested rooms should be lit with citronella candles. After a few days, the bees will stop coming to those areas, eventually stopping invading your home. Then you can get rid of the hives and nest once the bees have left.




It turns out that this spice is lethal to bumblebees. There are many ways to use garlic. Adding some garlic to cooking oil is one of them. Garlic pieces should be soaked in cooking oil with white vinegar added. Adding cheap kinds of vinegar will cause more harm to the bees since they are more acidic.

Add the vinegar to a spray bottle and mix well. Make sure you have all of the protective clothing on before you spray on the bees. It is also possible to spray this mixture into beehives and nests.

Key Takeaways

Honey bees and bumblebee colonies may find a suitable nesting site near your home. Some solitary bees, female worker bees, and worker bees may start nesting near very small holes like bird boxes, abandoned rodent holes, and other nesting sites. We’ll start from small bees popping to an entire bee swarm.

If you see a nest, calling a local beekeeper would be the best option. Pest control companies may also be able to assist in relocating the nest nearby. Bee nest removal is not easy and might even cause harm to you.

So, if you feel like the remedies aren’t working, call the right people to help you. Pest controllers have the experience and tools to move the nest site from wall cavities into a more appropriate environment.