Pigeon Control

Apex Pigeon Control Help in Yorkshire, UK.

We Protect Your Property from Bird Invasion.

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We'll Take Care of Your Bird Problem and Clean up the Mess.

Protect your family or business against potential health issues. Diseases from pigeons include Ornithosis, Listeria and E-coli.

Any area that contains bird droppings potentially carries a health risk and is contaminated. 

The first part is to remove the bird problem, and the second part is to proof the property and clear the hazardous pigeon droppings and make the location safe.

How much does pigeon control cost?

Pigeons can cause property damage that can cost you hundreds, if not thousands of pounds to fix. The expense of having birds removed from your property might range between £70 and £250 on some domestic properties.

However, bird-proofing your property will cost a lot more, depending on:

Bird Deterrent Solutions Successful Pest Management

Urban Pigeon Management At Apex Pest Control our best Practises are:

At some premises, there is a need for ongoing pest management to remove the birds. Such examples may be that a nearby venue or problem outside your control is a food source for the birds. 

In these scenarios pigeon-proofing, the building is a must to act like a pigeon deterrent to keep the birds away.

Pigeons. The ever-present dwellers of UK’s city centres and urban spaces. Charming to some, a nuisance to others – especially when they decide your property is their new home. 

From droppings decorating your facades to the noise of coos, pigeons can be rather unwelcome guests.

Pigeon droppings, or guano, are not just unsightly.

They can serve as breeding grounds for diseases like Salmonella. Pigeon droppings, bird droppings, in general, can be a bit of a headache. For business owners, a bird problem can be detrimental to the reputation of your establishment, especially in bustling shopping centres.

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Best Pest Control for Pigeons, How we Solve Your Bird Problem

Bird Proofing – there are lots of different types of bird proofing and pigeon deterrents to suit all situations, depending on how we grade the problem from low pressure to heavy pressure systems our options are from:

Bird proofing

Bird proofing in large areas by fixing bird netting to the roof tiles front of the building, which is tensioned. The mesh may come in different colours to suit the building materials. Zips may be placed in the netting if required to allow access for maintenance.


The first method of control is by use of barrier systems such as netting or spikes. However, shooting requires an individual licence for pest controllers. 

To shoot pest birds is mainly inside factories or buildings where pigeons are roosting and nesting, for example on ledges, girders or windowsills.

Any shooting takes place after dark when the pigeons are roosting and reluctant to fly out of the building. Every shot must meet an ethical code of conduct and limit suffering.

 After an area gets cleared, access into the building needs to be proofed to stop further bird infestation there.


The trapping of pigeons generally takes place on top of buildings or in areas pigeons feed regularly. The food source areas will require all food sources eliminated. 

The cage traps are then placed down and baited for several days with the doors left open.

Once the birds get used to going into the traps to feed the doors are set so that the pigeon can enter the traps but not access back through the opening. 

Water, as well as food, needs to be placed in the trap. Regular visits to the traps need to be carried out every 12-24 hours to remove trapped pigeons.

Trapping may carry on for several days then a period left with the traps not set before re-trapping begins. On problem sites, a 12-month contract may be required to maintain control of pest pigeons. 

Non-target birds caught in the traps can be released unharmed. Large amounts of pigeons may be trapped using this method.

Why Pigeon Control is Vital

Keeping pigeons at bay isn’t just for Instagram aesthetics. From damage to health risks, a pigeon control system is quintessential for any UK property. Regular cleaning and installation of bird deterrents is crucial for feral pigeon prevention

Get a Grip on Your Bin Lids!

Secure your bin lids and ensure there’s no food source to invite these pesky birds. Birds like the common pigeon might even take the liberty to feed on anything available. They aren’t fussy eaters, you see.

Typically, a feral pigeons diet is seeds, fruits, plants, food scraps, and occasionally small insects.

The Health Hazards Lurking in the Wings

Pigeons are notorious carriers of diseases like avian influenza and salmonellosis. Better safe than sorry! Mind you, some bird mites might also hitch a ride on pigeons. These mites might bite humans and become an additional nuisance.


The Perils of Pigeon Guano

Pigeon droppings are acid-laden – quite the superpower if they were superheroes, but unfortunately, they’re not. Moreover, their droppings can contribute to the breeding of insect infestations. Yikes!

Physical Deterrents to Stop Perch and Roost

Bird spikes might not be setting any fashion trends, but they’re top-notch in keeping pigeons at arm’s length.

Bird control spikes, or pigeon spikes, are rather handy. Make sure you get the spike installations done properly.

Steel or Plastic – Your Call! Steel spikes: The British Bulldog of pigeon control. Plastic spikes: Easier on the wallet and not half bad, either. But, remember, pigeons are part of a range of bird species. So, if you are trying to get rid of pigeons, keep an eye out for other birds as well.

It’s a Net Gain with Bird Netting

Netting is like that polite bouncer who ensures the pigeons don’t gatecrash the party at your property. Besides, it is a strongly recommended bird-proofing method.

Netting Essentials Polyethylene or Polypropylene – both are champions in their own right. UV-stabilised netting is the way to go – you don’t want the Great British weather to wear it down. Also, UV-stabilised netting generally has a longer lifespan.

Bird Slopes: Give Pigeons the Slip! Think of the slopes as a greased-up cricket pitch. Pigeons just can’t get their footing! This method of bird control can be extremely dangerous but is quite efficient in preventing birds from finding comfy spots.

Using Sound Deterrents

Ultrasonic Devices: The Unseen Protectors

Ultrasonic devices are the James Bonds of pigeon control. Silent to us, but a right racket in the pigeon’s ear. A bird-repellent gel is another nifty little trick in your arsenal. But remember, old sport, check the local wildlife regulations before getting these.


Using Visual Deterrents

The Decoy Trick for roosting pigeons.

Decoys of predatory birds like falcons can be quite the scarecrow for pigeons. Hawking kites and birds of prey can also be employed as a bird of prey pest control method.

Shiny Shenanigans Reflective surfaces are pigeon enemy number one. Whether it’s shiny tape or old CDs, pigeons can’t stand the dazzle. Another point in your favour is if you want to give these airborne invaders a taste of their own medicine.

The Legal Acts for Pest Birds

It’s crucial to remember the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Pigeons are part of British wildlife, so be sure to check out the dos and don’ts of pigeon control. 

Ensure that health and safety are taken into consideration as well. Using personal protective equipment is a wise choice while handling bird droppings.


Know When It’s Time for Professional Help

Getting the Pros on Your Team

When the pigeons are waging a full-blown assault, it’s time to call in the professionals. These bird control specialists are more than qualified and are well-versed in bird control. We’re talking about professional pest controllers, members of the British Pest Control Association.


Consultation: Tailoring a Defence Plan

Expert pigeon control services by Apex Pest Control will give you a bespoke plan that’s the dog’s bollocks. A plan that takes into account the types of birds, their breeding season, and the various pigeon control products and methods.

Expert Services Include: Installatio of deterrents Chemical treatments Pigeon removal Regular maintenance You might even get advice on bird-repellent gels and shock tracks. In case you find a nest on your property, nest removal is something we can assist with.

Pigeon Control Services and Bespoke Plans to Stop Pesky Pigeons in the UK

Well, there you have it, the A to Z of pigeon control in the UK. With an armoury of knowledge, it’s time to reclaim your property from our feathered foes.

Keep it humane, keep it legal, and you’ll have a pigeon-free space. Also, let’s not forget the sheer diversity in bird control and proofing methods.

Solar panel bird proofing is gaining traction, and the use of seagull spikes is quite prevalent. Here’s to pigeon free days!

If you want to unlock the easy method to eradicate pigeons from your property successfully, we offer a quality and reliable bird control service. To arrange a bird management and talk to a specialist about your bird problem act fast and contact us today.