Rat Pest Control Near Me

Rat Pest Control near me


Are you looking for the best and affordable Pest Control Company in South Yorkshire?

Apex provides specialist pest control in Sheffield, Rotherham and Barnsley and its surrounding areas. Throughout the 35+ years experience, we have dealt with South Yorkshire pest infestations, we have gained leading local expertise – giving us the ability to offer residential and commercial clients with excellent pest control advice.

Apex ensures that our highly trained exterminators are incredibly knowledgeable and will deliver the best possible pest removal services in South Yorkshire.

We know that discovering pests in your property be it home or business is distressing. Sheffield’s dense urban population offers vermin like rats, mice and problems such as cockroaches, bed bugs and nuisance birds what they need, a source of food and safe harbourage. Our expert team of pest controllers work to ensure you have a pest-free home or office.

Our Sheffield and Barnsley experienced pest control team of technicians, surveyors, fumigation and bird control experts are ready to deal with your pest issue quickly and safely – we offer Yorkshire Folk:


Rats usually stick together in groups called packs. New packs are formed when a male and female go off on their own and nest in an area that doesn’t already contain a pack.

Pest Control Services for Your Home in South Yorkshire


With a population of over 1.4 million in South Yorkshire, the likelihood you have a pest infestation at some point in your Sheffield, Barnsley or Rotherham home is high in urban areas. From rats and mice ridden flats, bed bug-infested bedrooms, cupboards full of ants, to cockroaches invading your kitchen, our Apex team have seen it all before and much worse. As distressing as this is, our team of qualified Sheffield and Barnsley rat exterminators are here to help.

If unwanted pests are invading your home, flat, or garden lawn, we are here to offer you the best pest advice and assistance to become rat pest-free.


Rats are omnivores, but many prefer meat when they can get it. House and brown rats usually use humans for their primary food source. They will scavenge through trash or eat any food that is left unprotected

Why are rats more common in autumn?


In late summer/early autumn temperatures are warm, and rodents have plenty of vegetation in which to hide from potential predators.

As the temperature begins to drop and food becomes scarce, rats will start to look for shelter and food in more urban locations, that’s when rats begin to head indoors for winter.

Typically nocturnal, the need to survive often means they will be spotted during daylight hours in these months, as they become bolder in their search for food and somewhere warm to hide from the cold.


Female rats can mate around 500 times in a six-hour period and brown rats can produce up to 2,000 offspring in a year

Commercial Pest Control in South Yorkshire


Apex Pest Control is the local leaders in Commercial integrated pest management. We work closely with businesses in all industries to provide the best and most Integrated Pest Control solutions for companies.

Sheffield, being the most populous city, South Yorkshire, is also home to over 100,538 different businesses. As with any highly-populated area, there is always a source of food making rat pest infestations a genuine threat.

Whether you are in an office, or a food preparation business in South Yorkshire, your organisation will be susceptible to a rodent pest infestation. Being proactive about rat Pest Control and remaining diligent in acceptable hygiene practices ensures you get prepared.

Our organisation has worked in Sheffield and South Yorkshire for over 35+ years, and have experience working with businesses in all industries; from retail, offices and industrial warehouse premises, to the more food-focused businesses such as pubs, bars and restaurants, supermarkets.

Seeing one rat doesn’t mean you have a rat infestation. However, it’s a sure sign there is always more than one rat as they live in packs and multiply at an alarming rate.


Brown rats can have up to 22 young at once, though eight or nine is more the average.

Rat Control & Treatment in Sheffield, Barnsley and Rotherham


The densely populated areas of urban towns like Sheffield is a haven for pests like rats and mice as common pests rodents have adapted to life in South Yorkshire with ease.

Both rats and mice are omnivorous, consuming contents of rubbish bags and food, not in sealed containers to the contents of compost bins and fruits and seeds in Rotherham’s gardens, parks and open spaces.

For large numbers and the most severe cases wherein the property has already suffered extensive damage due to a rat infestation in critical areas, a more complex rat control treatment is required.

The average size of rodent infestation the full rat control treatment may take up to three weeks. So your exterminator will make return visits to inspect the progress on your property and monitor the progress and adjust the rat bait.

We provide excellent customer service and effective pest control treatments to eliminate any pest problem for residential and commercial properties.


Open food and drink containers, lingering spills, standing water and even vegetable gardens and bird feeders can serve as viable food sources for rats.

Rat Proofing and Rat Removal

It is advisable to book rat removal services as soon as you see them because professional rat catchers will know how to deal with them effectively before they cause more damage.

A full-blown rat infestation leads to costly repairs, and unhygienic living space, loss of profits and reputation for businesses, because rats cause immense property damage.

Apex will make at least three to four visits to your home to conduct an inspection, bait boxes, clear the rats, and seal up entry points using wire wool, expanding foam to proof against rats in the future.

Our pest company is a well respected and experienced as a rat’s pest control service. We know how dangerous these rodents can be near you and your home, we ensure the best results when performing our complete rat control service using powerful rodenticide and knowledge.

If you are looking for rat pest control nearby, then Apex rat control is on-hand to help. Based in Sheffield and Barnsley Apex Pest Technicians are only a phone call away.

If you see rats and pest activity in your property, don’t hesitate to call us for control services today for expert rat help, shield from health risks and advise.


For a professional rat control company and eradication of rodents from your property and not the DIY methods, many factors affect the cost.

1, How many rats there are

2, How much damage the rats have caused for proofing

3. How difficult it is to access the job site.

4, Where in the UK you live

Typically, in South Yorkshire, the average cost for a small case of rats costs from £110 for two visits from certified and trained specialists. If you need more visits to larger infestations, there is an extra charge of £25 per visit.

No one ever wants to deal with a rat problem. Still, in the unfortunate case that you have one, Apex provides services to deal with an infestation and successful removal, plus, puts proofing against vermin returning, and advice and management plans how to prevent infestations in the future.


It is advisable to schedule rat removal services as soon as you spot them to deal with the rodents before they cause more harm.

Where in South Yorkshire does Apex cover?


As the number one local company, our professional pest control services and rat solutions are accessible across the entire South Yorkshire region. Our pest controllers operate throughout the Boroughs including Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley and Doncaster. Whether you live in South or West Yorkshire, we are on hand to solve your pest problem debit and credit cards accepted. Please get in touch with us today.