Pigeon Pest Control Leeds

Apex Environmental Leeds

Pigeon Pest Control Leeds

Throughout Leeds, both in the inner-city and the rural outskirts, pest control services are inundated with calls from concerned residents. For a number of years, the City of Leeds has been facing an unprecedented rise in requests for pest management assistance related to not just the influx of rats and mice, but flying insects too, including calling on pest control for nest removal services to get rid of ants, hornets, and over the summer, wasp nests.

Right at the time when Leeds was facing a rat epidemic in March of 2020, lockdown shut the sector down. After lobbying by trade industry bodies. Westminster finally U-turned their decision to give pest control services the green light to help fight the initial epidemic. And called for pest control services to help fight the battle plaguing Leeds and the wider West Yorkshire district for at least the past 3-years!

The Yorkshire Evening Post published statistics for Leeds City Council pest control requests in 2019, showing they'd received 8,322 pest control calls in the past two years, so going back to 2017. The fight remains ongoing for pest control: Leeds residents need immediate assistance to control Leeds' huge pest problems. This is reflected in the 2020 government decision to U-turn on the key worker status, and get pest control professionals back into the field.

Apex Environmental Leeds, is providing much-needed pest control services in Leeds, assisting homeowners and tenants across the social and private tenant sector to control rat and mice infestations.

We are available 7 days a week to provide advice, inspections, pest control treatments and integrated pest management solutions to homeowners, tenants, landlords and business owners.

Book a pest control service on 0113 3904270

Pest advice for controlling Pigeons

Feral pigeons can become a nuisance if they decide to use your property to roost. Their droppings cause damage to brickwork, and can block gutters and down pipes. When wet, pavements covered in pigeon droppings can become a slip hazard. Bird netting and spiking systems are sometimes used to both private and commercial property.

In the absence of natural predators, birds which fall sick survive to infect healthy ones with ornithosis and other diseases, some of which can be transmissible to man. Their accumulated droppings are also sources of disease.

Know more about pigeons pest control

Birds such as Pigeons carry a variety of diseases such as Ornithosis, Listeria and E-coli that can be transmitted to man not only from the droppings but also the birds themselves. When dry, pigeon droppings can become airborne in small particles, which can lead to respiratory complaints such as psittacosis.

Pigeon droppings are acidic and can corrode/erode metals, stonework and brickwork. Nesting materials birds use can block chimneys, flues and guttering, causing possible issues with carbon monoxide and damage to buildings as water overflows from blocked gutters.

Tired of endless pigeon mess removal?

Buildings covered in fouling looks unpleasant can smell, and projects a poor image of business, potentially ruining an organisation's reputation. If customers spot evidence of a heavy Pigeon infestation on premises, they may not want to do business with you.

Closely linked to Pigeon activity such as nesting are parasites such as mites, ticks, fleas and beetles. So if you have a current or past problem with birds and have done nothing, you may find you'll suffer from a parasite infestation too.

How to prevent and get rid of birds

Pigeon prevention, proofing and control are a highly specialised skill, requiring specialist equipment and tools. Control of Pigeons through population reduction techniques is generally both less desirable and less effective than removing their food sources or blocking off sites where they perch or roost. The latter technique, known as proofing, is now used extensively.

For proofing, professional pest controllers will use methods such as barriers, spikes, nets and wire to great effect. More recently active systems like shock strips, audible scarers and optical gels have been used to create negative associations in birds wishing to land or roost on buildings. All of these methods of proofing have their merits, and some can offer a stronger and more lasting deterrent, but as with any method of control, they may become less effective over an extended period. For a heavy Pigeon infestation, your professional contractor may have to employ methods of control such as shooting, trapping or flying of predatory birds.

Having problems with Pigeons?

Use a trained professional pest controller.

With over 30 years' experience in Pest Control, Apex Environmental Leeds can protect your business, your premises and your bottom line.

Experienced pest control Leeds specialists are available and provide outstanding customer service.

Our Guarantees: Our professional pest control services promise the highest levels of guarantees for both households and commercial businesses.

Book a pest control service on 0113 3904270

All of our vehicles are unmarked so you can be sure of a discreet pest control Leeds service every time.

We operate a comprehensive pest control service which response to issues at both residential and commercial properties across the city and we would expect areas with higher population density to be the subject of a higher number of calls.

Apex Environmental Leeds aims to respond to any reports from residents within 24 hours 7 days a week and would urge anyone experiencing issues with pests to contact us wherever you live on 0113 3904270.

According to its website, Leeds City Council charges from £60 per visit for dealing with pests such as ants, bedbugs, fleas, bees, flies, silverfish, woodlice, moths and wasps.

Apex Environmental Leeds built of top professionals in the pest control industry in the UK. It is with these honed skills and a continuing dedication to our customers that we expand our services to Leeds and surrounding areas.

While our team of hard-working professionals continues to grow, Apex Environmental is dedicated to quality standards when it comes to environmentally-conscious practices. That’s why, regardless of the type of service, our clients can rest assured we are taking great care to use few to no harmful chemicals in our work. With free quotes to all our new clients and around the clock service, Apex Environmental puts the customer first, every time.