Bed Bugs Services

Apex Environmental Leeds

Bed Bugs Services

We are proud of our success which has been recognised with awards for customer service, staff development and training and our responsible approach.

We are members of the NPTA and trained by the British Pest Control Association, approved to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, and are also fully accredited to SafeContractor, CHAS Premium Plus.

Whether you have problems with pest birds, rodents, cockroaches, wasps, bedbugs or ants, for speedy, effective and discreet pest control or pest management services call Apex Environmental Leeds.

With headquarters in Leeds, LS2 8AJ, we have been solving pest problems for commercial and domestic customers for nearly 35 years.

Apex Environmental - Pest Control was founded in 2020 with a focus on offering a customer-focused service. From small beginnings, the business has grown steadily and today we are recognised as one of the Yorkshires leading private pest control companies with hundreds of clients across Leeds, Sheffield, Barnsley, Wakefield and the rest of the UK.

Our aim is simple – to deliver ‘big company’ professionalism and quality with the ethos of a small, friendly, local business. In 2019 we were named Company of the Year in the British Pest Management Awards beating much larger, well known brands.

Get in touch with Apex Environmental Leeds by calling 0113 390 4270.

Helpful Bed Bugs Facts

People use to think of bed bugs as a cute, make-believe bedtime cliché – “Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite”. The truth is they are quite real and far from cute! Bed bugs have been a known human parasite for thousands of years. Bed bugs are insects of the cimcid family. They are small, brown-colored creatures that feast on blood. Warm-blooded mammals and humans are their absolute favorites.

  • Adults are flat, reddish-brown in color, and about ¼ inch in size, (about the size of an apple seed, or lady beetle).

  • Female bed bugs lay 5 – 7 eggs per week.

  • Up to 500 in a lifetime. A single female can be responsible for over 30,000 offspring per year!

  • Eggs hatch within 6 – 10 days and can become an adult in 35 -48 days.

  • They feed on the blood of humans and some small animals.

  • Mostly nocturnal and will normally feed for 3 – 10 minutes while you sleep.

  • Will feed on exposed skin and will often bite in a pattern of 3 bites that can leave itchy red welts.

  • The average lifespan is 10 – 12 months but can live between 12 – 18 months without feeding.

  • Bed bugs can carry but do not transmit diseases.

  • Bed bugs are extremely difficult to eliminate.

How To Prevent Bed Bugs

There are certain measures everyone should take when staying the night someplace other than your own home. Bed bugs are hitchhiker pests and are depending on you for transportation for their next place of residence. Do not let that be your home! Here are some tips to help prevent any transferring.

  • Leave it at the door

We recommend to leave luggage and other belongings at the door so you are able to inspect the surroundings first, before settling in.

  • Inspect the bedroom

Since up to 90% of bed bug infestations are found in and around the mattress and box springs, this is the first and most important place to look. Remove comforter and pillows off the bed, and relieve sheets from corners of the bed.

  • Where and what to look for

It is important to thoroughly inspect all seams, stitching, tags, and other tight crevices on pillows, sheets, bed skirts, mattresses and box springs. It is also beneficial if you are able to inspect around and behind the headboard or footboard. You are looking for bed bugs, molts/skins, eggs, blood spotting, and fecal matter.

  • When you get home

Don’t bring your luggage inside your home! Instead, put all clothing and shoes into a trash bag and empty into your dryer and run on high heat for 1 hour. It is important to treat your belongings with heat before fully unpacking! Store luggage in garage permanently.

Interested in bed bug treatment services? Schedule your pest control evaluation today.

Contact The Expert Bed Bug Exterminator In Leeds Today

Apex Environmental Leeds offers homeowners and business owners solutions designed to seek out bed bugs, find the infestation and provide the right solution to eliminate them.

From visual inspections performed by certified bed bug control experts, Apex Environmental Leeds utilizes a variety of methods that will help track down bed bugs on your property.

Apex Environmental Leeds has innovated methods of eliminating bed bugs that are environmentally friendly.

Apex Environmental Leeds Pest Control experts know how to identify where infestations occur and prevent future bed bug infestations.