Pest Control For Bed Bugs

Apex Environmental Leeds

Pest Control For Bed Bugs

Apex Environmental Leeds Pest Control specialises in providing commercial and residential pest control services in London. Whether your premises is an office building, residential block, industrial warehouse, school, hospital, or commercial unit, we have highly trained specialists waiting to take care of your pest prevention and control needs.

We believe excellent pest control begins with first-class customer service delivered by highly trained professionals. All our staff take part in continuous training and development and we are confident that our team is the best in the business.

We use all the latest pest control techniques and technology and keep the use of chemicals to a minimum. Many customers choose us because of our green way of working and our Exclusion, Restriction and Destruction (as a last resort) way of working.

Get in touch with Apex Environmental Leeds by calling 0113 390 4270

Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius)


Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) are around 3/16″ long. They are brown to reddish in color, and have broadly oval and flatted bodies. They are approximately the size and shape of an apple seed. Bed bugs will typically live in bedding, including box springs and headboards, and will come out to suck the blood of their host. Unfortunately, they are difficult to spot, and most people will experience bites before they are aware of the infestation. Contrary to what their name suggests, bed bugs can be found in a variety of hiding places, including chairs, couches, behind wall mounted art, in the carpet, etc. They hide from light during the day, but come out at night to feed on their hosts.

About Bed Bugs

  • Bed bugs hide not just in bed sheets, but in furniture, around baseboards and many other places.

  • After feeding, bed bugs return to their hiding places and leave dark droppings.

  • Bites from a bed bug are just one of many signs of their presence.


Most bed bug infestations do not originate in your home. Like an infection or illness, bed bug infestations are contagious! If you have bed bugs in your home or business, it is likely that they were brought in by another unsuspecting person or pet. For example, your home could be 100% clean and free of bed bugs, and then you have a friend visit for the weekend. That friend brings with them a suitcase they usually use for business travel.

Your friend doesn’t know it, but their suitcase contains bed bugs that they picked up in one of the hotels they stay in for work. But, now that infested suitcase is in your home! The bed bugs leave the suitcase and find their way into your furniture or bed, and boom. Now your home is infested. Plus, because adult bed bugs can live a year without feeding, it could be months before you recognize that you may have an infestation, and too much time will have passed to identify the cause, the “patient zero” so to speak. This is part of what makes bed bug infestations so common. You can get them from anywhere, and you may not even know you have them!


The number of bed bug cases has risen in recent years, due in part to an increase in travel. Bed bugs are commonly picked up from hotels, motels, and public transportation. In recent years, bed bugs have also exhibited increased resistance to certain classes of pesticides, making their removal from structures more difficult. To combat this, Apex Environmental Leeds professionals utilize effective products and measures to remove bed bugs from your home or structure.


The best way to prevent bed bug infestations is be cautious and avoid exposure. When traveling inspect clothing, travel bags, and bedding for any signs of bed bugs. Keep suitcases off the floor and away from the wall when you arrive at a hotel. A great place to store your belongings until you have inspected the room is in the bathroom or bathtub. Before you leave, carefully examine clothing before you pack it to go back home.

Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to remove, and professional treatment is the best way to control Bed Bugs. Apex Environmental Leeds offers professional treatment for the control of Bed Bugs. Our technicians are thoroughly trained to address your Bed Bug problems.


One of the most common questions we get from customers dealing with a bed bug infestation is: Can bed bugs come back after treatment? The answer is a bit complicated, but the short answer is that yes, technically you can have bed bugs in your house again after receiving treatment. However, the bed bug control treatment performed by our Apex Environmental Leeds team does eradicate all of the bed bugs currently in your home. How can they come back then?

When you receive bed bug treatment from our experienced team of pest pros, we identify and exterminate the entire infestation currently in your home. Our bed bug specialists are experts in bed bug identification, we ensure that we find and eradicate every trace of the insects in your home.


A properly performed bed bug treatment by a member of our team will ensure that your home or business is free of the insects. However, it is possible that after we rid the property of bed bugs, they can be brought into the property from another place, or by another person. We have had cases before where the owner thought the treatment had been performed incorrectly, but in reality the bed bugs were being repeatedly brought into their home *after* treatment by their own neighbor, or a friend!

It can be easy to think then, that it is impossible to completely free your home from bed bugs. That is not true! If you have bed bugs, or suspect that you have them in your home, call our Apex Environmental Leeds team at 0113 390 4270. Our bed bug treatment plans are highly customizable for your specific situation, and we will quickly and effectively exterminate the bed bugs in your property. After treatment, as a home or business owner, there are some steps you can take to prevent bed bugs, and they don’t include forbidding anyone from entering your house!


For a complete bed bug prevention plan, check out our free bed bug guide for your home! In the meantime, here are some helpful tips for bed bug prevention:

  • Vacuum your suitcases when returning from travel, especially if you stayed in a hotel or inn. Consider asking guests to check their suitcases before staying for a visit

  • Think about keeping your suitcase in a large plastic bag during hotel stays

  • Regularly inspect areas where pets sleep to check for signs of bed bugs, as animals can bring the insects into your home

  • NEVER bring second hand furniture like beds or sofas into your home, especially mattresses, without having them inspected for bed bugs. As bed bugs can be very difficult to detect without training, consider having one of our bed bug specialists inspect furniture in question before putting it in your home.

Have any more questions about pest control for bed bugs, or need to schedule your Bed Bug Inspection? Or, curious about how termites come back after treatment or other pests return? Call or text our Apex Environmental Leeds team today at 0113 390 4270!