My Campaigns


Bureau 13

Team Salem

The system: TriTac B13 > CORPS > BESM 1.0 > World of Darkness > Ars Magica. Rather a lot really.

The World: Ours, plus magic

The Location: Salem

Team Crackerjack

The system: FATE

The World: Ours, plus magic

The Location: Seattle, based on the Kalakala.

The House of the Flaxen Sparrow & Sparrow's Flight

The system: D&D 3.0 / Pathfinder

The World: Planescape + Chinese Cosmology

The Location: Sigil and Environs


For the prequel,

Head in the Clouds, Feet in the Fire

The system: D&D 3.5.

The world: Eberron, or, as Jason puts it, Jazz-age D&D.

The location: The city of Sharn, in the Kingdom of Breland.

Blurb: The Great War is over, and it's a bit uncomfortable being neighbors to an entire kindgom on the casualty list . With refugee camps sprouting up on all the marginal farmland, a whole new wave of ruin explorers raiding their homeland, three nobles claiming leadership of House Cannith, one prince-in-exile, and a crazed warforged prophet, things are likely to get even more uncomfortable. Let's have a final toast to those who have gone before us, blessing their memory and cursing the mess they made.

The players are drawn into a web of intrigue - so characters with a bit of, shall we say, moral flexibility are encouraged. They have a map to a lost treasure in Xendrik, but must become established citizens to get the exploration permit.

Side note: I never liked psionics, I felt it didn't fit the game. So I surprised the players by making it the Big Bad of the whole story, and was my first "players save the world" plotline.

Heart of the Mountain (1997-8) & Parlainth Games (2000)

The system: Earthdawn 1.0

The world: Modified Earthdawn

The location: Tuonela Kaer and environs

Over the course of two one-year campaigns, the players left their Kaer to discover their river was gone, rerouted by the world-shaking damage the Horrors wrought, and their place supplanted by New Tuonela. In time, they explored the region and established themselves as the first free Skyport. In the second campaign, the cold war against Thera brought them all over the continent, thwarting their subtle campaign to bring the separate city-states back under their control. The campaign closed at the Parlainth Games, where the players served up Thera a savage setback, winning all four elemental crowns against their champions, and surprising the heck out of their gamemaster.


Numerous one-shots & Short story arcs

  • Ghostbusters
  • Star Wars (West End): Hooray For the Unknown Heroes
  • It Came From the Late Late Late Show
  • Toon
  • Firefly
  • Space 1889
  • Spirit of the Century: The Insidious Doctor X and His Zeiss Stereopticon Projector
  • Champions