AGM Minutes - 2019

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 3rd April 2019

Minutes- Protokoll 2019


Annual General Meeting 2019 of the Anglo German Club Freiburg e.V.

- Jahresmitgliederversammlung des Anglo German Clubs -

Wednesday April 3rd 2019, 7.30pm,

Hotel Schwärs Löwen, Kappler Str.120, 79117 Freiburg

Die Einladung zur Versammlung wurde den Mitgliedern rechtzeitig, am 15.März 2019, zugeschickt. 

At 7.30 pm the English President Penny Leube and the German President Ernst Leube officially opened the meeting after a “Club Get-Together” at 6.30 pm.

21 members were present, 24 proxies had been handed to Ernst Leube - more than 50 % attendance of 71 members - sufficient attendance.

A list of the participants was handed round to be signed. 

Top 1

Annual report of activities 

The English President Penny Leube gave a review of the events and activities from March 2018 to March 2019: 

March 2018:

21: Pre-AGM get-together at Hotel Löwen at 6.30 and Annual General Meeting at Hotel Löwen at 7.15 pm 

April 2018: Easter holidays

May 2018:

12: Asparagus Dinner at the Hirschenstube in Buchholz                                                    30: Conversation get-together at Hotel Löwen at 7pm 

June 2018:

10: Guildford Twinning Association – a small group of friends arrive and remain in Freiburg until June 14th

12: Conducted tour of Schloss Bürgeln , organized by Andrea, followed by lunch and a short walk around the Schloss with our Guildford friends

27: Conversation get-together at Hotel Löwen at 7pm 

July 2018:

3: An evening with the Bard “Julius Caesar”, preceded by an aperitif with canapés 

August 2018: Summer Holidays


September 2018:

12: Conversation get-together at Hotel Löwen at 7pm

28: Autumn walk at Mauchen, arranged and guided by Andrea and Francesca. A special thank you to Francesca, who prepared a wonderful snack in a Rebhüsli in the vineyards: fresh bread, walnuts and wine! After the walk back to Mauchen we learnt a lot about Ökoweinbau at the Weingut Lämmlin-Schindler. Then we had Neuen Süßen and Zwiebelkuchen next door at the Gasthaus zur Krone.  

October 2018: 

10: Conversation get-together at Schwärs Löwen at 7pm

17: Guided tour of the exhibition “Demokratie wagen? Baden 1818-1918” at the Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, followed by lunch at the Oberkirch.  

November 2018:

21: 2nd AGC Pub Quiz, organized by Peter and Sabine at Hotel Löwen at 7pm. Great fun!

26: In the footsteps of Prof. Franz Gutmann- a walk with explanations of Prof. Gutmann’s pieces of art in Freiburg organized and guided by Volker Scheer. 

December 2018:

14: Christmas Party at Hotel Löwen at 7pm     

January 2019:  

11: Guided tour of the art exhibition “Fascinating Norway” at the Augustiner Museum from10.40, followed by a New Year get-together with bubbly and lunch at Oberkirchs Weinstuben at 12.30  

23: Conversation get-together at Hotel Löwen at 7pm                                                                                                            

February 2019:

05: “Der grüne Planet” at the Planetarium Freiburg at 7.30pm followed by a get-together at Casa Nova

March 2019:

11: Bea von Malchus plays “Queens” at the Wallgraben Theater at 8pm.preceded by a get-together at Casa Nova. 

April 2019:

3: Annual General Meeting 7.30 pm preceded by get-together 6.30 pm- at Hotel Löwen 


Treasurer’s and auditor’s reports:

Berichte des Kassenwarts und des Kassenprüfers 

Auditor’s report- Kassenprüfung:

Kassenwartin Ingrid Pabst berichtet, dass die Kassenprüferin Ulrike Knors, die am heutigen Abend entschuldigt ist, die Rechnungsaufstellung geprüft und für korrekt befunden hat. Dies bestätigte U. Knors durch eine schriftliche Erklärung mit Unterschrift.

 Treasurer’s report - Kassenbericht:  

Our treasurer Ingrid Pabst gives her report of 2018:  

Anglo German Club Freiburg i.Br. 

Abschluss 2018-Kurzbericht

Bank am 31.12.2017





Ergebnis: am Ende des Jahres sind 6979,21 € Guthaben auf unserem Konto.

Das Guthaben ist deshalb verhältnismäßig hoch, weil einige Kosten, die Ende des Jahres 2018 entstanden (Christmas Party und Apéritif), erst Anfang 2019 abgerechnet wurden.


Approval of Presidents’, Treasurer’s and Committee’s activities

Entlastung des Vorstandes  

Volker Scheer beantragte die Entlastung des gesamten Vorstandes,

der Antrag wurde einstimmig angenommen.



Forthcoming subscriptions                                                   

Es wurde beschlossen, die Beiträge in der bisherigen Höhe zu belassen.

Subscriptions can remain as they are.  


Preview of forthcoming events 

Penny Leube presented the following events and activities for 2019: 

May 2019:

04: Penny and Ernst Leube will travel to Guildford for the 40years Twinning Celebration in Guildford and represent the AGClub. They will also visit the Surrey Hills Sculpture Garden 2019 and the works exhibited there by three working artists from Freiburg, Annemarie Matzakow, Maria Cristina Tangorra and Konrad Wallmeier. 

25: As the Asparagus dinner at the Hirschenstube isn‘t possible anymore because it is closed for good, a new venue the Sonne in Glottertal has been proposed. An invitation will be sent to members. 

June 2019:

6-9: A group of the Twinning Association Guildford will visit Freiburg. On Saturday 8th (Pfingstsamstag) an outing to the Schluchsee is proposed by Francesca:Boat from Aha to Unterkrummenhof, short walk to Unterkrummenhof and having lunch there. In the afternoon Café in Schluchsee, e.g. Ufercafé. Francesca will organize this outing beforehand so that in case of her absence someone else will be able to do it. 

July 2019:

3: An evening with the Bard „Midsummer‘s Night Dream“ preceded by Get-together with bubbly and canapés 

August 2019: Holidays


September or October 2019:

Volker Scheer‘s proposal for an autumn walk:

Kirche in Malterdingen mit Fresken, danach Einkehr im Weingut Huber mit Weinprobe /Sektprobe und /oder Zwiebelwaie und Neuem Süßem. Volker Scheer will organize that. 

Weitere Vorschläge für 2019:

Kunstmuseum Basel

Designer Exhibition in Kandern 


Miscellaneous, transactions of any other ordinary business- Verschiedenes

--A different venue for the conversation get-together was discussed and Volker Scheer kindly agreed to investigate further possibilities.

--Ernst Leube introduced our new yellow AGC advertisement posters which come in 3 different sizes. With these posters our club will try to promote new membership. The posters are meant to be an initial introduction. Interested persons can get more information on our website. The small posters can be handed to interested people. The bigger ones can be distributed in various places like shops and supermarkets. Each member should take 5 or 6 copies to spread them around Freiburg and the surrounding area. Let’s hope we’ll get some response and win new members! Grateful thanks are due to Roy Murray, Brigitte Heilmann and Guy Cumes, the team put in charge of carrying out this undertaking.

--Günter Seeliger stellte die Frage, ob es für evtl. neue junge Mitglieder einen ermäßigten Jahresbeitrag geben wird. Der Vorsitzende erinnerte daran, dass es für Azubis und Studenten bereits einen ermäßigten Clubbeitrag von 15€ jährlich gibt. Die anderen Beiträge sind: 40 € für Einzelmitgliedschaft /single membership, 55 € Familienbeitrag / family membership. 

--Volker Scheer berichtet in eigener Sache über sein neues Buch: Epitaphe in der evangelischen Kirche Kandern. Am Mittwoch 8. Mai 2019, 19.30 Uhr wird Volker Scheer über dieses Thema in der Pizzeria Da Carmelio, früher Rhodia-Stüble, Hermann-Mitsch-Str. 38, 79108 Freiburg (Nähe IKEA, Bus Nr. 10) referieren. Gäste sind herzlich willkommen. 


The Deutscher Präsident Ernst Leube closed the AGM at 8.50 pm.


Protokoll: Freiburg, 07. April 2019, gez. Waltraud Fleischmann



Unterschrift Protokoll: ............................................................................................



Unterschrift English President:................. ...............................................................



Unterschrift Deutscher Präsident:............................................................................