SISAR is a project, supported by the Italian Mechanical Music Association (AMMI), devoted to the conception and development of systems for scanning, listening and recording various types of music storage media for mechanical music instruments. According to the specific characteristics of the supports proper hardware and software architectures have been developed.

The SISAR project is contributing to digitalize the F.I.R.S.T. (Fabbrica Italiana Rulli Sonori Traforati) catalogue thanks to the University of Pavia.

The Pinned Barrel Scanner (PBS) have been developed to scan music of pinned storage media for instruments as barrel pianos and barrel organs, including helicoidal barrels.

The Perforated Music storage media Scanner (PMS) is based on a modular architecture properly conceived to be easily adapted to various types of perforated music storage media.

The Cardboard Scanner 2.0 is the evolution of the first model. It has a considerable mechanical and electronic update, which increase accuracy and reliability!

The Piano roll Scanner 2.0 is the evolution of the first model. In addition to the mechanical and electronic update, it is equipped with a color camera!