This is a place to find a watering hole-of-knowledge to get lost in and scroll deep into. These places are always changing; we implore you to utilize advanced search engines to refine your scope. All of the sites listed on this page are free-to-use, and will be organized better as it grows; tithes option below.

Please remember to dive carefully, with an open-mind,

and be absolutely conscience of the chronoracism.

As we plant these seeds inside hyper-linked plots, they will become roots, and after enough time, this site shall be a like a forest of knowledge.


"Calendars provide summaries full enough, for most purposes, to replace the original documents. These summaries are printed in chronological order and do not necessarily reflect the archival ordering of the documents (hence ‘calendar). They are the primary finding aid for the records that they describe. The State Papers Colonial are the accumulated papers of the secretaries of state relating to colonial affairs from the 16th to the 18th century. This series details papers relating to Colonial America and the West Indies for the period 1574-1739."

The online Library of Congress has some great material that you definitely did not see in your textbooks at school. No matter what state you live in, you have access to these authentic documents. There's no signup or sign-in required. Just get in there and LEARN! (screw a Gadsden, JOIN OR DIE!)

A man ahead of his time, socially, as well as in his studies; with just over 680-odd packed pages in this book.

Not many a man of his generation could cast bigotry aside and just account for events as they were, without the adding of any opinion, unless it was warranted, and even then, you go through Sir Alan's work(s), his, seemingly, methodically and robotic presentation, is like that of a calculator, doling out simple and truthful responses to complex equations; his, was not the mind-set for the men of his era.

This book might only have 3 editions, the one through this link is for the most recent edition of 1957 (&2001). There has been at least 18 reprints (that we know of) over the course of 80 years; with the last one being in 2007. The first edition was published in 1927, when at a time the white-traders' stocks & bondage slave-markets were (finally) "successfully" "retooled" and gave them way to a Roaring-20s, but, over the pond, it seems Gardiner's yearning for knowledge permeated within him a different kind of ROAR! that continues to echo throughout the decades, and is happily heard by those of the same spirit, to this day!

May he Rest In Paradise, the Based God, Sir Alan Gardiner, disciple of Thoth (the modern master of) Ancient Egyptian Translations & Grammar

Here's the 2001 reprint of the 3rd edition, you might find more illustrations

-summary edited from their ABOUT section 'In 2010, the National Archives, through its National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), entered into a cooperative agreement with The University of Virginia Press to create this site and make freely available online the historical documents of the Founders of the United States of America; search through thousands of records from George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison and see firsthand the growth of democracy and the birth of the Republic.

Now, for the first time, users can freely access the written record of the original thoughts, ideas, debates, and principles of our democracy. You can search across the records of all seven Founders and read first drafts of the Declaration of Independence, the spirited debate over the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and the very beginnings of American law, government, and our national story. You can compare and contrast the thoughts and ideas of these seven individuals and their correspondents as they discussed and debated through their letters and documents.

In the years since its initial release, tens of thousands of documents drawn from the print editions and additional transcriptions of documents have been added to Founders Online. Founders Online also includes transcriptions of thousands of documents that have not yet appeared in the published volumes, provided via our Early Access program. When it is complete, Founders Online will include nearly 200,000 documents in this living monument to America’s Founding Era.'

Founder's Online parent site: NATIONAL ARCHIVES

offers historic documents and data from various periods throughout American history. Trail of Tears, Lynchings, Census data, unexpected tragedies, and an abundance of links to peer into the horrors that is a part of our American history.

Digital publications of authentic historic documents, with what would be seen as modern-day MISSPELLINGS & all! (shout out to Noah Webster! for playing a big role, in getting the collective American-English written-language, to some sort of standard bloody order, because once you start reading some of these, you begin to appreciate a man, NO! he's not a God, but he helped simplify English for a nation of immigrants; one would think, it was not the wealthiest endeavor

INTERNET ARCHIVEs in the WAYBACK MACHINE. Take a dive into content from all over the world, and don't worry about languages, just use the translate-feature on your browser (try chrome if yours doesn't have one). Libraries from America and Canada, over to Russia and India, and many lands in-between. Topics spans more than just textbook history, but also arts, podcasts, newspapers, and much more, AND GUESS WHAT? all free, no signup! (as stated in the header)

We don't know who this gosh-darn GD Mumford is, but they put the work IN! so we are pleased to share this extensive list Compiled by G. D. Mumford, Department of Anthropology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, as a STUDENT/PUBLIC GUIDE of PRINTED & ONLINE RESOURCES ON ANCIENT EGYPT AND SOME NEIGHBOURS FROM PREHISTORY-ROMAN (& LATER)

PERIODS: Focusing upon compiler’s home institution, primarily regarding sources on ANCIENT EGYPT and NUBIA, but also including SYRIA-PALESTINE, ANATOLIA, CYPRUS, GREECE, & MESOPOTAMIA . Annotated and arranged by subjects (with call nos.)

A very well-written and in-depth look into Sumerian Cuneiform wedge-writing. This 220-page PDF is great for some no-signal browsing, but if you don't want to download, you can still view in a browser.

There are also many links within this study to connect the reader with other references. (make mission to take advantage of free knowledge from good sources.)

A wealth of literature and information from the present, to about colonial & Early America Periods, BUT in other places, namely The Caribbean:(...use it as a keyword to see...) when the sparks of backlash against the oppressive White-Supremacist-hierarchy can be felt permeating in the text, to point where any reader would be able to see how their fiery desire for freedom would reach the mainland.

•Downloadable PDFs & •some content in its original language...but don't let that deter! [imma get it, highlight it den (CTRL+C), den (CTRL+P) it into a fresh doc & tryda translate it. if you have a desire den do like do Caribbean brethrens & ...

...FIND A WAY! to free yourself of obstacles.]

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gonna need a library for all these libraries pretty soon.

S T O P: don't bother,...

FREE stuff

the other way^,...

the links within the link are resource-subscriptions.