
How We Made a People into The Age of Aquarius


T I M E I S M O R E V A L U A B L E T H A N M O N E Y;

you are the money, and

having the people work so hard for so little,

leaves little competition for their power.

NU featured:

...for when "white" people speak like they do not understand how infrastructure could be bigoted,...these were people's parents and grandparents, they were at least affected, they're still relevant, and some of them still alive; but those deniers don't care, too many of them are ignorant...EVEN IF their own grandparents understood White Privilege, so much so that they wanted to built that wall, NO not the Trump Wall, the wall behind these kids who aren't allowed over there...are they just willfully ignorant?




for our compiled list of free historical sources & references!

The WHITE BOX offers their Supremacy-views & is updated often

Mission: A Istori for the American People

America is often thought of as a place of freedom, but that is propaganda written by the victors;

not even free to have a full history, they try to hide the atrocities.

America was founded by elites, looking for riches, and when the elites found resources to exploit, they pushed people here to work the lands,

and when they couldn't persuade people through lies of religious freedoms, the elites emptied their prisons,

and when the criminals were all gone, they found more to be criminal,

and when the systemic oppression brought too much heat, they sent out The Whispers to steal children,

and when the guardians of well-off children spoke out against these crimes, they purchased the prisoners of others,

but by this time, the system of exploitation had gotten so cruel, slavery was becoming redefined, America, land of the free, created chattel slavery, just to fuel elitist, in the present, the slavery more refined, cut off, and systemic, a new kind of cruelty that they hide!

America is a nation of immigrants, it has been that way for over 40,000 years, despite what supremacy-powers want to think/say/do, immigrants have been, are still, and will keep, coming here, and then some even have children, and their children have children, and so on. All of our children are to share this same geographic-history, in this supposed equal society, but too many of our schools only propagate a HIStory crafted by the descendants of the very nation-building colonizers who threw the world into a social spiral. The inaccurate history taught to us may seem harmless, but the harm caused by this white-washed-literature is great, and it is with all these misrepresented tales, which all of us are suppose to share, that gives air, thus breathing life into White Supremacy.

We are fortunate to live in a time where the facts are much harder to alter, especially for those who like to dig, but at the same time, unfortunately, the masses are pacified in a society where the facts are easier to bury, and unaltered content is much too easy to hide from unwilling seekers--this is called being bias, and many must learn the difficult task of detaching oneself from the subject at hand;

be skeptical with 2 outcomes, you were: right or wrong, to the very least, VERIFY!

We must always fight with truth,

accept when we are wrong,

and use the facts of what we know to be true, to actually create greatness,...

...instead of speculations of.

•Fancy 'Columbus' had to go to Africa to get to the Americas and no one questions why?


Accounting for the unknown time for sustained attentiveness, creating a telling of history that draws one into the story, and into that time. With a more interesting story of history, or as we like to use the term, istori, we can create an engagement with one another based on a unifying history based in unbiased facts.

Project: Blackwashed: Istori TimeLine is NOT about "Black people", for we do not believe in "Black people", the premise is more of a unifying culture created out of the oppressions of American white supremacy; We are mammals, and mammals are typically Earth-tones, simply put, this is not about the colour of ones' skin. Project Blackwashed is meant to put back the "color" that the white-washing of history left out, because "until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter"; so let us put ink upon that white sheet!

The TimeLine

This project will represent a whole structure of our planetary venture, as Americans, going through time, from the start of the universe, to the peopling of the Americas, to the formation of our American Nation(s), to the policies and riots that shaped this nation, and some things to look forward to.

Comparatively, other history books try to seemingly work based upon on a timeline, but they frequently stop to highlight grandioseness, skip forward and backwards to boast instead of inform, and temper down most anything shameful.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

Analogue and Digital...mabbe more.

It would be great if history could be our guide, just as the scripture is for others...We hope one day that the digital version of this history/istori project shall have pictures, maps, and any other graphic representations to bring broader illustration to the words. The Analogue shall be printed in a "Bible-esque" fashion, lightweight, compacted print, of the entire timeline, sans graphics; and a PDF of the Analogue, for those that would rather a "good digital book", or the PAF version. We hope that these 3 versions of ~the same thing, would be a great way for different kinds of learners to interact with the information in a way that best suits them; perhaps one day, it could be an app. The goal would be to enable us to access the same linear "history" without so many omissions.

And of course, we want to do all of this without charging, someone said we may have to take donations to print books (at no-profit), but digital content, and The Internet, shall be the Saint Paul Apostle, to Saul good words throughout the virtual lands.

Update the out-of-date:

No more Pisces-Jesus, as the fish's course marks completion.

Why is religion falling out of favor? SIMPLE! because it doesn't line up with the science. If only there was a religion like science, not scientology, but like a "Science-tology"? That's not what this is, but if only there was a spiritual institution that was based in science and fact? One that kept up with the times and information, to guide us on a better path?

We celebrate this idea of, using the past as a guide, and when this project gets off the ground, ideally, a digital app would be a go-to-source for those who are thirsty for knowledge, but prefer a helpdesk over a shepard, to guide them on the paths to find oasis' of knowledge; we are teaching mans to fish...those who cannot learn will be starved.

A digital format allows for updates to be done when new scientific or historical data is uncovered (unlike other alleged "good books" that are usually changed to oppress certain sects of the populous, or to restrict the lives they can live), and the Analogue book-format would be Editions, ideally, updated every duodecennium; no decision has been made for how often the PAF would be updated.

If all of this sounds fanatical, then we would respond with, then what's Christianity? certainly there would be far less Pagan ceremonies involved.

...we want to hold your metaphorical hand and go forth together in a hunger for knowledge...