What exactly is Project Black-Washed?

To put it so bluntly, history has been "whitewashed", from Ancient Km't, to Moorish Spain, to the Indigenous, and chattel histories. "HIS"tory is right, because it is not the True Story; as per the evidential documents, compounded by notions from accomplished scholars to tell more accurate tellings bout the past. This is not a book of feelings, wishes, or wants; but an actual, factual, telling of Our Human Story, from Big Bang start to ~Now! ...in the hopes of adding color to the white-washing, and giving inspiration to what things could come.

Under the Project: Black-Washed umbrella is the theoretical Onomatopoeic Process, and the Istori TimeLine, the latter is broken up into 3 versions: Digital (on-line), Analogue (tangible book), and PAF (PDF of the analogue); the digital version will be released first. We hope to add projects from other scholars, pending approval of their works, that dive into other historical inaccuracies. We wish to add contrast to the bleached history that is being presented.

What is "istori"?

The point of the project is to dig into the roots of events and language, and construct a linear telling of those events. The term "HISTORY" comes from, the Ancient Greek word ῐ̓́στωρ/istor, meaning one who knows law and right, a judge or witness, or a wise one who knows. The word ῐ̔στορῐ́ᾱ/historíā (ῐ̔στορῐ́η/historíē) means, a body of knowledge obtained by science, systematic inquiry, examination, and produced into a narrative account that is expressed to others...from ῐ̔στορέω/historéō, which was the action of giving a record of what one has learned from examinations and inquiring of someone regarding someone/something).

We prefer to boast the origins and evolutions content to give knowledge seekers a taste to seek more...ῐ̔στορῐ́ᾱ/ῐ̔στορῐ́η was translated into historíā/historíē, the ending, ᾱ/η & ā/ē, along with other versions, were used in several different regions of Ancient Greece. We symbolically chose the dative case, with the intention to include as much concrete truth as possible, even if it is to note that we-humans-just-don't-have-the-answer-yet; all to help put an end to the whitewashing of Istori.

What is the Onomatopoeic Process?

A new theory for the evolution of the English Alphabet to refute the current theories of the Proto-Canaanite/Sinaitic script, which are suppose to be HYPOTHETICAL ancestors of the Ancient Greek-Phoenician script, which was created using the Acrophonic Method. The theoretical proto-scripts are taken as "law" in several regions, even though there are numerous holes in The Acrophonic Method, but it just goes undisputed. This new evolutionary theory takes away the guesswork & suggestions posed by The Acrophonic Method, and puts ACTUAL facts behind each letter & is based on how sound gave us our script through The Onomatopoeic Process, and then evolved from there.

What if I don't agree with some of the published information?

Anyone is welcome to submit any facts that would alter an entry, but we will not alter an entry based on one's opinion. All entries have been created based on the information and data that was drawn from various historical sources, to the point of being able to root out surprisingly baseless lies, and to that end, we have added within the Istori TimeLine, better pictures to counter many historical misconceptions, falsehoods, omissions, and downright-LIES!

Can I submit an entry?

SURE CAN! so long as it is based in facts, anyone could submit a link or copies of the historical data to be reviewed and added; it's as simple as that.

(>^_^)>~And, if you want to stay apprised to the happenings of this project, sign-up for updates via the email (just send a bodyless message with the SUBJECT: "updates", and we'll add you to the list.

I don't see my question, how can I ask something?

Shoot us an email at: Independent.Istori@gmail.com,

Text Message/Call Us/Leave Voicemail at: 646.U.Istori,

…and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

There's also a Twitter that we take turns moderating; please don't mind the salty language.

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