"The path of little effort, still means that there was some effort."-y

While we would prefer a collaborative effort of minds and time, but we understand that people would rather do their part by doNATIONS so that they could help build Project: Black-Washed- An American Istori. Currently, these resources would only be for the funding of:

to the very least:

  • tangible, physical, books (we would just love e-books to be free!),

to the very most:

  • maps,

  • printing paper,

  • ink,

  • site memberships to source historical documents

  • and again, the printing the Analogue version of The Istori TimeLine in a "Bible-esque" format, (light-weight and easy-to-read small print; the physical book would formally stop at the 21st century).

we are still fighting about taking any monetary donations so, this is just a

POSSIBLE Link to come soon...

It's a small start, but we've got big ideas!

Random newsletter-worthy updates, without the newsletter, of ideas outside of the forever work of updating:

  • 11/21: SOOOOOoooooo many site changes! The addition of the Scribbles, Scrolls & 4th Eye pages are just some of the new additions.

  • 10/21: A parody song:

Tis the Season for civil duty,

get up off your ass and go fcuking vote!

Democracy dies when you don't use it,

get up off your ass and fcuking vote!

Some like to make the process harder,

so that you can't even have a voice,

don't let elitist take your power,

get up off your ass and fcuking VOTE! <end scene>

HAPPY VOTING SEASON! Election day's a misnomer because it is NOT the only day to vote, just the last day to get it done at a polling location. We vote early here at Project Black-Washed. Voting advice: google search you candidates (maybe add the word "scandal" or "indicted" to quickly weed out problem candidates), check out your candidates' social media pages like: Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/&on, DON'T KNOW WHO'S RUNNING? check out : https://ballotpedia.org/Sample_Ballot_Lookup, a great database to start from. If you don't vote then you have given up your right to complain about how things are because your lack of completing your civic duty shows that you don't really care, and people can make any types of laws to control your life without your input. (Did you get that Felicia?) If everyone else is deciding what's going to be made for dinner, and you didn't voice your opinion, then don't complain when there is a piece of plain baked liver atop a bed of beets sitting in front you at suppertime.

  • 9/21: School time is in session, and you don't have to go to school to study, if you love a subject, or aspect of the past, then it is up to you to verse yourself in it; become an uncertified expert. WHAT'S THE USE? whaddaya mean what's the use? uuummmmm a huge thing called, enlightenment.

  • 8/21: Site updates and project work.

  • 7/21: One day we will stop celebrating the lie that people came over here willfully to escape religious persecution. Willful means you had a thoughtful choice, not that you were plotted against and persuaded by those close to the crown to leave a place that the ruling powers didn't want you in...and when you tried to go back, the promises of return passages wouldn't materialize. Hard labor was what these religious zealots found, and if they tried to run away from settlements to be free from their new oppression, they would be brought back and punished; for it was the beginnings of the American prison colony. Is it really a wonder why we have such a high incarceration rate, (well besides classist bigotry of American white supremacy)

  • 6/21: It hath been decided to add to the Black-Washed umbrella: Ancient Pictorial Egypt. Pictures compiled through our works that would give knowledge seekers a better view; we know that it could definity be paired with the Istori like a fine wine.

  • 5/21: What was most difficult in the beginning was to figure out how to structure the writing, so we figured a TimeLine that went through in a linear fashion. This presented another hurdle, telling a tale in which the main characters don't show up until 13 billion years in; no soulful animal existences to follow, just a planet, Earth and Aqua, to write about, and still keep it interesting without only focusing on the most eventful events...we'd like to think we were doing a decent job.

  • 4/21: Site updates and project work.

  • 3/21: New scientific discoveries are a blessing and a curse, happy to have more to add in, but delays.

  • 2/21: Repeatedly asked when we will finish...ANSWER: when we have finished outlining. We are starting this from the BIG BANG to the 21st century; we don't plan to do this forever, but it takes time.

  • 1/21: American democracy is under siege; UDC, John Birch society, and organizations like them have proudly come back out of the shadows to push their white supremacy agenda, and they have the assistance of even more institutions and figures than before. Donald Trump, the non-college of Prager University, competitive right-wing networks such as Newsmax/OANN/&FoxNews, the untethered and unrestricted power of social media misinformation of platforms such as Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/&on...We feel that this project has never been more important than it is right now!

  • 12/20: Site updates and Project work.

  • 11/20: New fancy ☎️ phone number added: ℡646. 8 Istori (or 646-"U Istori")

    • let us know which you think is better.

  • 11/20: Basic website analytics are up and running....we're watching you. 👀

  • 11/20: "Secret" TimeLine preview launched on Black-Washed website. 🤯

    • [note: Project: Black-Washed started with the intention to be in the Analogue only, which is the version that's (slowly) being entered onto this website. Some early dates were omitted from the TimeLine for the interest of space, we will be re-adding those in the digital version, but due to limited staff, that will take some time, until then, frivolous early dates like, ##Millions of Years Ago, will be omitted; all entries are still presented in a linear fashion, unless the science changes.]

  • 11/20: Apparently people like to buy merchandise too, so we're gonna look into that as a fund-raising effort. (#proactivity) 👕👚🧢

  • 10/20: YouTube 📺, Twitter 🐦, and FaceBook👤 social media sites 📲launched.

  • 10/20: 🎉Website launched! 🎊