A growing number of people in this country feel that the history taught in schools are like an indoctrination by way of propaganda and information suppression, rather than embracing truths to enlighten a democratic nation of immigrants. The latter is the lie consumed by certain people, the consumption is especially true depending on which county within the various states or territories you grew up in.

Did someone not say that we were to 'hold these truths to be self-evident, that all "men" are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights'?

Is it right that more Americans do not demand the equity of truth?

or are we forced to forever reside amongst towns and regions of delusion peoples?

What is American History?

Who are the Main Characters in our History Books?

Were there not many countries across the globe involved with one another?

Did we not have a president who was born in Hawaii of a Kenyan?

Yet we don't know much about Kenya or of Hawaii,

other than the latter was one of the last 2 states,

one that many likely couldn't name which order it was.

Our American History is based on British, French, and Spanish Conquers, yet that is NOT what the majority of Americans are,...even if some White Supremacy/Power groups claim to be Anglo-Celtic, which is just Irish/Scottish, a history which we learn nary much about; including the full scope of the potato famines.

When we don't even have the facts about who we are and where we are from, we begin to create a society that is okay living in lies, an Orwellian world where "white" elitists force the title claim there's no racism, as they create a "race" for themselves, WHITE, with no officially set definition other than the user's ideas of who is included in being in their race; but if you as ask, a number of them will say there's no racism. They just don't get it because they have never gotten the truths, just appeasing fabrications. The ideology of Blackness has existed since ancient Kmt thousands of years ago, for many reasons, from grandizing a more superior fertility to spiritual arts to please the Gods...but the ideology of Whiteness was created a few hundred years ago for the sole basis of control, and excluding others; if it ever existed as anything before, the evidence must have washed away.

(if someone finds something to contradict, PLEASE send us an email)

If this picture makes you feel upset or perturbed, then this project probably isn't for you.

"My country is the world, and my religion is to do good."

-a founding father