Visiting All Saints'

New to church?

What to expect when you visit us:

A warm welcome -

We will be delighted to welcome you to our church but we promise not to overwhelm you. 

Babies and children are very welcome

During the main Sunday morning service (except the monthly family service) there will be a Sunday school with supervised activities for the children. Please speak to the people handing out books at the door for more information. If you'd prefer to keep your children in church or they don't want to go that's fine. There's also a children's seating area with sofas and toys if they (or you) would prefer that to sitting in the pews.


All Saints has a good ramp up to the church on the south side where the main entrance is. Inside there are some changes in levels but the main area of the church doesn't have any steps. Please let us know if you require extra assistance.


We have toilets in church equipped with changing facilities for nappy changing. These are situated by the main entrance.

The Church

Is an ancient building but has been re-ordered. Much of the church is carpeted.

During the service

Hymns and songs will most likely be sung. Prayers will be said to which you will be invited to say "Amen" - but only if you wish to. There will be prayers to share in.

At All Saints' 11:00am service we use data projection and therefore the words of the songs/hymns and the words of the congregational prayers are put up on the screen for all to see. At most services there will be a talk. At many services an offering of money will be taken to help resource the ministry of the church - there is NO obligation to contribute towards this.

After the service

You are most welcome to leave or to linger. After many services we share hot drinks together.


Do I need to do anything?

A: No, but you are not required to do anything. However, you are of course invited to join in with which ever parts of the service you would like to.

What is Holy Communion?

A: Holy Communion is a regular service at All Saints where we remember Jesus and his encouragement to his followers to share bread and wine and to celebrate his love for the world and its people.

Can anyone join in with Holy Communion?

A: Yes, if you are present, you are encouraged to join in. Whether you feel ready to receive the bread and wine is up to you. If you haven't previously received but would like to find out more then please have a word with the service leader either before or after the service. If you don't wish to receive at communion you might like to consider coming forward to receive a blessing (which is a simple prayer, prayed over you and doesn't require you to say anything. Bring a  pew sheet up with you so that we know you wish to receive a blessing).


If you need any further information then please contact our parish office Email: vicar @ (please remove spaces to email) 01782 750205 who will be happy to help.


If you're using satellite navigation then the postcode "CW3 9PQ" will put you beside the church.

Car Parking

As you drive through the village, look out for the car park which is in Vicarage Lane, right beside the church.