Weddings, Christenings, Baptisms and Funerals

Enquiries about wedding, christenings/baptisms and funerals


Congratulations on your new arrival - we hope all is going well for you as a family. We would be delighted to welcome you and your family for a service of baptism.

Please get in touch with the vicar, Tim Watson, on 01782 750205 or revtimwatson @ (please remove spaces to email)

If you are "out of parish" then you are still very welcome, but you do need first to approach your parish church. Whichever way, our very best wishes to you and your family.


Congratulations to you and your fiancée and very best wishes to you both! If you live in Madeley parish and want a church wedding, we would love to meet you. If you are outside the parish but have an existing link or an historical connection to Madeley, again please be in touch. If you don't yet have a connection but are still interested in getting married at All Saints, it may still be possible - we'll explain when you ring. All best wishes for your future life together!

Please get in touch with the vicar, Tim Watson, on 01782 750205 or revtimwatson @ (please remove spaces to email)

Funerals at All Saints

We would be honoured to serve your family at this sad time but please could you first contact a local Funeral Director and they will guide you through all the necessary organisation - our deepest sympathy to you and your family.