If you have any problem with the website or with the links, please read these
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. You may find a solution!

Why can't I find the Spanish remake anymore?

This remake's page had to get removed from the website due to copyrights infringement.

Can I still watch the episodes with subtitles?

Yes. Click on the "English" link on this page. This is what you're supposed to see (image on the right). **If you can't see the telegra.ph page, try THIS LINK.***

What the telegra.ph page looks like:

How can I watch SKAM on my TV from this website?

There are many ways to use my website to watch SKAM on your TV. Here are some of them. Choose the one that works best for you according to your devices and settings.

For more information on how to watch SKAM on your TV, check the links  

OPTION 1 - HDMI cable (easiest way)

Plug an HDMI cable in your laptop or tablet (if you have an adapter) to your TV. It'll duplicate your screen and allow you to watch whatever content from your device to your TV.

You can find HDMI cables in almost every store that sells electronics and they're usually cheap (of course, there are for every price and needs).

*Some TV also have USB ports that can be connected to a hard drive, so you can play the downloaded episodes directly from it.

OPTION 2 - Smart TV

Most Smart TV now come with Chromecast, AirPlay or other casting software for your laptop and other devices.

To use it :

*Chromecast usually works on Windows and Android devices, as AirPlay works on Apple devices.

OPTION 3 - Standalone Chromecast/AppleTV set

If your TV doesn't come with a casting software, you can buy a standalone Chromecast or AppleTV set. You simply plug these in your TV and then you can use it as explained in OPTION 2.

You can find these standalone sets in almost every store that sells electronics.

If you have a Chromecast, you can cast your Google Chrome browser or your Android device. If you have an Apple TV, you can cast your iPhone, iPad or Mac screen to your TV.


Here are some other options:

There are inappropriate ads on VOE, how to avoid them?

As VOE is a streaming site, it's possible that pop-ups or inappropriate ads appear around the video you want to watch. I unfortunately have no control over that. Here's some solutions:

🔐In any case, VOE itself is a secured website. You can't get a virus because of VOE, but ads aren't as safe, that's why an ad blocker is needed (I also recommend to activate it all the time on any website, it's a life-changer!).

I can't access the files on VOE, what should I do?

VOE may be blocked by your server, which considers it a threat since it's a streaming site. Here are three solutions you can try:

1. Use a VPN to change your geolocation to override your server restriction.

2. Watch from another device if the problem is with your computer/phone.

3. Use other platforms available such as Mega and Google Drive.

I can't watch videos on MEGA, what do I do?

Mega says I reached my quota limit, how can I keep watching without paying?

The Dailymotion link isn't working for me, what do I do?

If the Dailymotion video is not working for you, it might be broken. Skam episodes often get removed from Dailymotion because of copyrights. If that's the case (if you get an error message), please message me.

If the Dailymotion video has another problem, first try to watch it on another device if you can. If this is still not working, you can always watch it on MEGA. Every Skam version (original and remakes) has a Mega folder with all episodes with English subtitles. You can find the Mega link on the remake's pages.

The playback limit is reached on Google Drive, what do I do?

Google Drive has this major incovenience that there is a limit of views for a certain time. When the playback limit is reached, you can't watch the video online. Here's two solutions for you :

1. Download episodes from GD. Even when the playback limit is reached, you can usually download episodes.

2. Create a copy of the file into your own GD account. This copy, since it'll be new, will be free of playbacks. You can delete it later to get back your storage.

3. Watch on Mega. There is no playback limit and you don't need to create an account or to download the videos.

I clicked on a link and it's going nowhere (404 error). I think it might be broken, do I report it?

Yes. If you clicked on a link and an error page appears or it's leading you to a broken website/page/video, please contact me (options at the bottom of this page) to report it. Please, describ the issue with as much details as you can. That will help me fixing the problem. I'll be glad to check the problem and to answer you.

I'd like to watch episodes on their official website, but it is geoblocked. How do I watch them?

Most official websites for Skam and its remakes are geoblocked due to copyrights. That means you can't watch the episodes if you're outside the country. However, there's a way around that. You can simply add a VPN to your browser. Check out the VPN page for more information or to see a list of great VPNs you can add.

I'd like to watch Skam and the remakes in another language than English. Are there other languages available?

Yes! There are many other subtitles available for the different versions of Skam. Unfortunately, not ALL languages are available, of course, and they are not the same for every version. You can see if your language is available on the Available Languages page. If you find or know other websites on which you can watch Skam with subtitles that are not yet listed there, please send me the link so I can add it.

I'd like to know when new seasons are coming, where can I see that?

You can check the Seasons Updates page. You'll be able to see which seasons are already out, which are currently airing and when the next ones are coming.

I don't have a Paypal account, but I still want to support you. Is there another way I can do that?

Yes! I added a new option on my Ko-Fi. You can now make donations with credit cards. If you can’t donate, sharing my website and letting people know about my Ko-Fi helps too!

If the answer to your question is not there, contact me either on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tellonym or at alllofskam@gmail.com.

Note : I reserve myself the right to not respond if the answer is on this page.