Family Religious Service 



Family Religious Service

I found some interesting information. Above is a list of family members who have served as priests, nuns, bishops, etc

I have compiled other research and found out that Saint Dode of Reims (509-530 AD) was my 48th great-grandmother. She was the daughter of King Chloderic of the Ripuarian Franks. Her feast day is April 24th. 

Saint Dode of Reims

I am a direct descendant of Saint Arnulf of Metz (582-645 AD). He was my 45th great-grandfather on another line. He was the Frankish bishop at Metz.  He was also the Patron saint of Brewers. His feast day is July 1st.

Saint Arnulf

I am a direct descendant of Saint Warinus (620 - 677 AD), the son of Saint Sigrada. Saint Warinus was the Martyr of the Franks. He opposed the Ebroin and the decision to expand the power of Neustria, and was killed in Arras in 677 AD. His feast day is August 25th. Saint Warinus was my 44th great-grandfather.

Saint Warinus

Saint Warinus' son, Saint Leudwinus was the Archbishop of Treves and his feast day is September 23rd. Saint Leudwinus was my 43rd great-grandfather

Saint Leudwinus

I am a direct descendant Saint Sigrada of Alsace. She died in 679 AD. Her feast day is August 8th. Saint Sigrada was my 45th great-grandmother. 

Saint Sigrada of Alsace