
Regular Teaching Assignments

BI111: Introductory Biology - Principles

This is a large enrollment course (50-180), offered every semester, that is intended for Biology and other science majors. Working with talented teaching assistants and varied techniques in lecture, we do our best to facilitate the student learning in the basic principles of biomolecules, cell biology, genetics, ecology, and evolution.

BI495: Field Studies of Zambia

This class takes 14-18 students to London (4 days) and Zambia (21+ days), where students perform independent field studies of their own design while camping, exploring, and thriving in the wilds of Africa. The class is offered every 3-4 years as a summer study abroad.

Please be sure to check out the separate page with more information on this class.

BI462: Ornithology

Lectures and laboratory exercises covering the evolution, systematics, morphology, physiology, ecology and behavior of birds. This class is typically offered in the Winter semesters of even years (2016, 2018, 2020, etc.).

BI262: Field Ornithology

Laboratories and field trips dealing the scientific field study of birds, with an emphasis on the identification, ecology, behavior and conservation of local species. This class meets for 48 hours for 5 weeks (Thurs-Sat), where we head off into the woods, streams, swamps, and fields of the UP during migration. We camp out together and learn various field techniques from dawn right through dusk - from the first ovenbirds to the last whippoorwill.

BI502: Scientific Laboratory Instruction

This course provides training for students who intend to teach laboratory sections of university science courses. Students will gain experience with varied teaching techniques used to improve student learning. Students will also gain familiarity with the social, technological, practical, and legal concerns with running a classroom.

Other courses I have taught...


  • BI 218: Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
  • BI 240: Conservation Biology
  • BI 305: Ecology of the Northern Forest
  • BI 312: Genetics
  • BI 315: Evolution


  • BI 514: Population Genetics
  • BI 520: Systematics
  • BI 590: Practical Biological Computing
  • BI596: Planning & Proposing Science
  • BI598: Thesis in Biology