How to Paint Rocks

to save the burrowing owl

Wanna learn how to paint rocks to save the burrowing owl?

Scroll down for the video tutorial and supplementary materials to learn!


You can donate to save the burrowing owls and be gifted a rock that looks like a burrowing owl!

If you'd like more guidance, be part of a class, and learn how to paint a RAINBOW burrowing owl rock, you can sign up to hear about when you can sign up for a Zoom class! It is only 1 hour in length.

How to Paint Rocks to Save the Burrowing Owl

Here are the basic supplies you need:

  • a clean, smooth rock

  • acrylic paint, paint brushes

  • a cup 1/2-full of water (to clean brushes between switching colors)

  • a disposable plastic container/lid (to put and mix paints on)

  • a paper bag or other disposable surface to paint rocks on top of (and protect the surface beneath)

  • paper towels (to blot paintbrushes, clean up spills, remove mistakes)

For the Zoom class, if you don't have any supplies, you can get this kit from Amazon for $12.99 (free shipping with Prime):

If you're following along with the Youtube Video Tutorial featured below, you can find the exact supplies to use at the links below. This tutorial is more precise and you learn more advanced, challenging painting techniques, but it is still suitable for an absolute beginner.

If you're following the Youtube Video Tutorial, be prepared for a 2-4 hour commitment but expect a STELLER burrowing owl rock you created as a result. You will also practice new and improved skills: eye-hand coordination, observation accuracy, acrylic painting techniques and application, a method to relax monitor eye-strain, and more!

Here are the instructions:

Here are the steps for you to reference:


Find a rock, smoother is better, wash it


Paint white primer base on both sides


Paint yellow acrylic for eyes


Paint black pupils on yellow circles


Paint beak navy blue (or yellow)


Paint brown (umber) for base of forehead


Paint brown (umber) for nose, cheeks, chin


Paint black signature eyeliner


Add white feathers on top + additional browns/gold/bronze details until you're 😊

Don't forget to write on the back and seal it! If you're not planning on putting your rock outside, you do not need to seal it. leads back to this webpage.

Here are some samples of completed burrowing owl rocks!

Add your rock to and check out #burrowingowlsrock

to see all the other burrowing owl rocks people have painted!