
AI – autonomous weapons systems.

Mark Bishop: In my role as an AI expert on the International Committee for Robot Arms Control, I am particularly concerned by the potential deployment of robotic weapons systems that can militarily engage without human intervention. This is precisely because current AI is not akin to human intelligence, and poorly designed autonomous systems have the potential to rapidly escalate dangerous situations to catastrophic conclusions when pitted against each other. Such systems can exhibit genuine artificial stupidity.

It is possible to agree that AI may pose an existential threat to humanity, but without ever having to imagine that it will become more intelligent than us.

Ban on weapons that can deploy and destroy without human intervention is vital

What is the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots?

It is a confederation of non-governmental organisations and pressure groups lobbying for a ban on producing and deploying fully autonomous weapon systems – where the ability of a human to both choose the precise target and intervene in the final decision to attack is removed.

Swarm Robotics