Focused Ultrasound Stimulation (FUS)

Many people are aware of ultrasound imaging mainly used for monitoring babies in the womb (Ultrasound scan)

Back in the 1990s tests for the use of Ultrasound to Stimulate neurons in the brain coming out of research when "used to make lesions in the brain” in epilepsy patients.

More recent research has proved the ability of Ultrasound as it can penetrate deep and specifically into neural circuits.

One experiment focusing the sheep’s motor cortex was able to move its hind leg muscles using only ultrasound.

Another experiment found that when using a focused ultrasonic beam on a monkey was used on the left side of the brain’s visual center (which controls the right eye), the monkey began looking far more often at the right target, even if it wasn’t the correct response. Shifting stimulation to the right side of the brain had the opposite effect: the monkey began looking far more frequently to the left.

“The results were significant and reproducible,”

All this is causing the field of brain stimulation research to grow.