Elon Musk

Quotes from the billionaire Elon Musk

"The pace of progress in artificial intelligence (I'm not referring to narrow A.I.) is incredibly fast," Musk wrote.

"The risk of something seriously dangerous happening is in the five year timeframe. 10 years at most," he wrote, adding that "Please note that I am normally super pro technology, and have never raised this issue until recent months. This is not a case of crying wolf about something I don't understand."

"artificial intelligence is 'more dangerous than nukes'"

"humanity should be "super careful" with such technology"

"artificial intelligence is our biggest existential threat"

“With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon. In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like – yeah, he’s sure he can control the demon. Doesn’t work out,”

Elon Musk background

Musk has invested in at least two artificial intelligence companies — one of which, DeepMind

"Unless you have direct exposure to groups like Deepmind, you have no idea how fast it is growing at a pace close to exponential," Musk said.

He owns Tesla building cars that include autopilot driving.

He also owns SpaceX that supplies rockets and capsules for NASA (shortly manned as well)