
AI Hardware

Neuromorphic chips are microprocessors whose architecture is configured to mimic the biological brain’s network of neurons and the connections between them called synapses.

The main benefit of mimicking the architecture of the brain on a physical chip, say neuromorphic computing proponents, is energy efficiency—the human brain runs on roughly 20 watts. The “neurons” in neuromorphic chips carry out the role of both processor and memory which removes the need to shuttle data back and forth between separate units, which is how traditional chips work. Each neuron also only needs to be powered while it’s firing.

Photonic synapses

A key step for neuromorphic computers is creating components analogous to the brain’s network of neurons and the connections between them called synapses. Photonic synapse have been made that mimic crucial characteristics of its biological counterparts while harnessing the speed and energy-efficiency of photonic computing.

Intels Loihi chip

Neuromorphic Computing: The Future of AI and Computing