SciKit Learn

SciKit Learn - Machine Learning in Python

Very useful Open source

Scikit-learn requires:

Python (>= 2.6 or >= 3.3),

NumPy (>= 1.6.1),

SciPy (>= 0.9).

Latest SciKit Learn Installation instructions can be found here

Installing SciKit Learn using Miniconda

Installing Scikit Learn in the Easiest Way Without Hassels via Miniconda (Click here).

Training Data

SciKit Learn comes with pre-loaded data sets

Iris flower recognition data set

Iris is a 150 sample labeled dataset for supervised learning.

3 types of Iris (Setosa, virginica or versicolor) and a set of features (sepal length, sepel width, petal length and petal width)

To use the Iris dataset in Python:

from sklearn import datasets, metrics

iris = datasets.load_iris()