The effects of AI on employment

Understand how disruptive AI and particularly AGI will be in the next few years is difficult to comprehend.

It is not just ANI autonomous cars and lorries, but any job especially graduate level where AGI can out understand even clever humans as we have limitations of keeping up with ever increasing complexity, who would go to a doctor if an AI based system is more accurate, who will go to a lawyer when an AI can know all current law, who will employ a software engineer when an AI can write better code, let alone when robots can be integrate with advanced AGI !

Exponential Finance

Demonetizing Everything: A Post Capitalism World | Peter Diamandis

Universal income

57% of the world's jobs are at risk of being automated. Universal Basic Income may be our only way out. Universal basic income (UBI) is a model for providing all citizens of a country or other geographic area with a given sum of money, regardless of their income, resources or employment status. The purpose of the UBI is to prevent or reduce poverty and increase equality among citizens.