Giving and Getting Directions

Useful Language for Asking Directions

Study the vocabulary on this page. 

Then go to Giving Directions and study the grammar.

Finally, click on Giving and Getting Directions

Study the exercise. 

 Talk to a teacher to review your work.

Go straight...

Example: "Go straight on Greenfield Avenue. Don't turn!" 

Intersection = where two streets cross

Turn left/right at the intersection/traffic lights

Car A is turning left at the intersection with traffic lights.

Car B is turning right at the intersection with traffic lights.

Walk past the bank.

Walk along the street.

on your left/on your right

Look at the picture.

Hillary is on your left.

Bernie is on your right.

Across from

The shop is across from the theater.

The theater is across from the shop.

The girl is sitting across from the boy.

The boy is sitting across from the girl.

Where is the ball on the left? It is between the boxes.

Where is the ball on the right? It is beside/next to the box.

Excuse me, where's the...?   


"Excuse me. Where's the bank?" 

"It's on the corner of 1st Street and Wisconsin Avenue.

How do I get to...?


"Excuse me. How do I get to the bank?"

"Take  Mitchell Street to 1st Street, and turn right on Wisconsin Avenue. The bank is across the street from the Orpheum Theater."