Lab 09-Blimp & Georeferencing

Table of Content

  • Background
  • Description
  • Results
  • Summary
  • Reference


The objectives of this lab are to:

  • Learn how to georeference rasters
  • reiterate building persuasive and convincing maps

I have been asked by USU Campus Planning to provide a clearly labeled map of the Quad and figures depicting the various products you derive. They are particularly interested in whether or not I can provide them with higher resolution photography then the 2006 HROs from the Utah GIS Portal.


Task 1: This map illustrates the Historical Helena image (1953) georefrenced from an existing georefrenced and more recent (2002) imagery. The map show the changes and development that has occurred over the period of time (1953-2002). Click image for larger view.

Task 2: The images below illustrates the georeferencing processes of imagery collected from aerial photography taken from a blimp, While the map depicts the comparison between the georeferenced photo and the existing 2006 HRO imagery.

The images obtained by the blimp capture were not a full image of the Quad, so I merged two image together to obtain a full view. the final product is shown in the map below.

The geoereferenced image produced is of poorer quality compared to that of the HRO. Click image for larger view.

Task 3: The map below shows the product using coordinate points of total Station to georectify the quad image. Click image fo larger view.

Total RMS Error: Forward: 4.42

Cell Size= 0.34

Transformation: One Order Polynomial (Affine)


  • All georectification was successful, I tried merging mosaic but could not get the image fit well together.
  • This is a nice experience.


Utah GIS Portal, Retrieved on 2nd April, 2017.

Lab 09 - Blimp & Georeferencing. Retrieved from 2nd April, 2017.