Lab 05 - Vector Analyses

Table of Contents



Task 1 - Creating the map and map book

Task 2 - Creating the contact information




A 10- inch Chevron oil pipeline that was transporting crude oil near Salt Lake City bursted at the Emigration Canyon. 30,000 barrels of crude oil has already flowed down stream to about 7.5 kilometers distance. I have been contacted by city officials to put together maps and a contact list for residence that are in the affected area.


Task - 1

I identified the location of rupture spatially and create a 250 meter buffer along the 7.5 meter stream reach as affected area. The parcels affected were identified and 4 maps showing a close shot of the affected area along the steam reach were identified. I also created an index page to provide an overview of area impacted by the pipeline rupture. I also made available an interactive map on for easy viewing.

Task - 2

I made a pdf document containing list of contacts of residents of the affected area.

Click here for detailed method for task 1 and 2.

This map shows an overview of the location of rupture, stream impacted and the area impacted due to the rupture. Click here for larger view

This map shows the point of pipeline rupture along the creek. Click here for larger view

A map book containing 4 pages map and a reference page was created to display a closer shot of the affected area. Click here to view the map book showing the affected area.

Interactive Map of Impacted Parcels, Stream Reach and Rupture Point

Parcel Detail.pdf

This table is presented to show the details of the impacted parcel. This included the phones numbers of the residents to aid in making contact with them if necessary. Click here for large view of the first page.


The exercise showed that about a total area of 351 hectares were affected along 7.5 km stretch of stream. This lab gives an effective introduction to spatial analysis in GIS.