Lab 01 - ArcGIS Refresher & Intro to WebGIS

Table of Content

  • Background
  • Methods
    • Creating Tony Grove Study Site Map
    • Creating and Publishing GIS Website
  • Results
  • Summary
  • Reference


This lab is to get me acquainted with using ArcGIS 10 to make a map. It aimed at helping me build a personal website to monitor my progress as I learn how to use the software and also to publish my work. This lab 01 showed me how to export map layers to KMZ for use in Google maps and make the three different maps published on this website namely image, PDF and interactive Google map. Finally, The lab helped me get familiar with the format of the course and to establish a personal file management skill.


Creating Tony Grove Study Site Map:

The file “StudySite Polygon” (data credits: Joe Wheaton) was downloaded, unzipped and save in a folder on drive C. ArcMap catalog window was used to browse the downloaded (shapefile (StudySite.shp) and layer file (Study Site.lyr)) in the folder connection. The coordinate system of the shapefile was confirmed under properties.

The studysite.lyr file was added to the map from the catalog and the coordinate system was confirmed again under properties to be sure the right coordinate system is being used. A basemap layer( aerial imagery) was added. I also added some features to the map using the "insert" tab; this included legend, scale, north pole and coordinate system references .The service layer credit was removed. Then, an inset location map was created on another data frame was added using "add base map" tab and an extent locator was added via the "insert" tab. The file was saved as a layer file and converted to a KMZ file. The resulting map was also exported as JPG and PDF.

Creating and Publishing GIS Website

The new Google site was used to create and design my this website that will be showcasing all my work.

I login via my gmail account and opened the google site account. I named the website and started designing the home page. I added another page label "Lab" that will provide a link to all the lab tasks. I added another page named "Lab 01" ; this is the page that contain my first assignment. On "Lab 01" page, I created a table of content that contain the subheading in my write-up for this particular lab and also I created link to Lab-01 on "Lab" page. On Lab-01 page, I attached the result of this lab in form of PDF link, interactive map and image of the study site for a research on water acidity.


The products of this task are shown as:

  • Image


This lab was a refresher for me as it reacquainted me with the basic skills in the use of ArcGIS 10. I completed the task successfully.


Joe Wheaton 2016, Retrieved from