Lab 04- Digitzing, Editing, Sharing Data & Introduction to Geoprocessing

Table of Content

  • Background
  • Methods
    • Creating Campground Design Map
    • Sharing GIS Data for Campground Design in Different Formats
  • Results
  • Summary
  • Reference


Editing of vector data in GIS involves the manipulation, modification, drawing, and digitizing of vector data. The knowledge of editing is important in order to be able to carry out other spatial analysis of vector data.

The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) has call for proposals for the planning and development of a new campground on the eastern side of the Wastach Range near Liberty, Utah. The proposed campground is to have the following feature:

    • Total area to be 1.1-1.3 ha
    • Campsites
      • 12 new campsites
      • 6 with parking access
      • 8 with lake or stream access

I used ArcGIS to design the proposed campground and made the data available on this website.

Lab Objectives:

  • Gain knowledge in editing existing vector data layers
  • Learn how to create new vector data layers and edit them (e.g. digitizing)
  • Learn how to edit and create tabular data
  • Learn how to share vector and tabular data with other GIS users


Task 01 - Creating Campground Design Map

The location of the campground was accessed using coordinates: X= 425,666 E and Y=4,578,749 N meters in the NAD 83 UTM Zone 12N coordinate system . The campground and campsites created using point and polygons; roads using polylines. I made an attribute table which contained details about the campsites. I later determine the dominant vegetation and land cover about 1km area of the proposed site and I also estimated the landcover variety 5 alternative sites. More detailed methods for Task 01 can be found here.

Task 02 - Sharing GIS Data for Campground Design

I have provided array of data format for the proposed Tiwatom campsite for viewing by the USFS internal review board.

I presented the proposed campground data on this website in 2 different formats: Image(jpg and pdf for larger view) and interactive map (.kmz). I created an interactive Google Map from the .kmz for easy viewing of the geographic context around the campground sites. I also uploaded the data as a layer package of the features of the proposed site (.lpk), the .kmz file and map package (.mpk) to ArcGIS Online for public sharing (click here for ArcGIS Online). More detailed methods for Task 02 can be found here.


The output of this exercise generated the following

    • Maps of the proposed site:
        • Image with the pdf link
        • Interactivemap
        • Table 4.1: showing the landcover attribute
        • Table 4.2: displaying features of the campsites
        • Table 4.3: showing characteristics of the optional sites

Here is the pdf for download

Interactive Map the proposed campsite

Table 5.pdf

Click here for larger view of the Table 4.1

Campsite features.pdf

Click here for larger view of the Table 4.2

optional site.pdf

Click here for larger view of the Table 4.3


I ensured that my map contained all relevant data and information require by the USFS internal review board. This exercise equipped me with knowledge of editing and creating data as well as sharing it to the non-GIS user.


ArcGIS Resource Center retrieved from 10th February, 2017.

Data from Shannon Wing Belmont.

Joe Wheaton 2016, Lab 04 - Digitzing, Editing, Sharing Data & Introduction to Geoprocessing. Retrieved on 10th February, 2017.