Lab 03 - Reproducing Maps

Table of Content

  • Background
  • Methods
    • Reproducing a Portion of UGS Geologic Map
    • Making an Area Calculation
  • Results
  • Summary
  • Reference


Map reproduction is the art of making map from an old or already existing map. This Lab is to help students get familiar with the use some GIS tool like editing and display tool in order to make good maps. It involved the use of a software (Adobe Illustrator) in making the map look good and the use of a basic spatial analysis. A geologic map was reproduced from a portion of the Utah Geologic Survey from the 30' x 60' Logan Quad.

Lab Objectives:

  • Getting knowledge about how to manipulate display properties and symbols to reproduce a map.
  • Learning how to extract summary and data from existing data.
  • Know how to make professional maps with the use of additional vector graphic package like Adobe Illustrator.


Task 01 - Reproducing the UGS Geologic Map

I first downloaded the 30’ x 60’ Logan Quad as a GIS zip file from Utah Geologic Survey website and unzipped the folder. I added the layer in ArcMap and used a clip tool to clip a portion of the original UGS layers to the new area of interest covering portions of Logan, Logan Canyon, and Providence Canyon. I used ArcMap to reproduce the grid, graticule, scale bar, and legend of the UGS map. I imported the map into Adobe Illustrator to further edit the legend to only include rock types and faults present in the clipped layers. I reproduced the UGS north arrow and locator map as found on the original map using Adobe Illustator. More detailed methods for Task 01 can be found here.

Task 02 - Making an Area Calculation

I made a calculation of the area of each rock type in the clipped portion. I merged the areas of polygons of the same rock type using dissolve tool in ArcMap. I then used Calculate Geometry to make estimates of the area of each rock type. I calculated the percentage of each rock type and picked out the rock areas that has about 5% of the total map. I copied the result to Microsoft Excel to obtain a graphical representation of the portion of the rock types. More detailed methods for Task 02 can be found here.


The map below is the result of Task 01:

This map is ONLY scaled correctly as printed on 8.5" x 11". Click here for pdf download of the image.

The table and chart below is the result of Task 02.

Rock Types.pdf

Click here for larger image of the table

Chart Doc3.pdf

Click here for larger view of the chart


The extent I used was different from the one used in the video, so I discovered that just four of the rock portion were above 5% of the total rock area. However, the other two included were about 4.7%. This lab equipped me with using tools such as Clipping, Dissolve, Field Calculator and Calculate Geometry in ArcGIS and also using Adobe Illustrator to reproduce maps and analyze simple spatial data. I was able to do some troubleshooting and solve problem that arose while doing the maps.


Utah Geological Survey. GIS Data. 2014. Retrieved from 1st February, 2017.

Wheaton, J. Lab 03 - Reproducing Maps - Geologic Map. 2. Retrieved from, 1st February, 2017.