Level 1 Guidelines

Level 1 Guidelines are for localized disasters.

You should follow the guidelines below if you are in, or near a disaster zone.

If you do not need supplies:

You should change the color of your icon to green, and give a check in report to let others know you are "OK."

You can give a check in report by:

1 - Making a post to the A.N.T.S group

2 - Sending a text to 704-858-7249

A Check In Report subject heading should look like this example "Check In Report - Staten Inland, NY - prepgirl"

If you can not contact the group, or send a text, you should place a green "OK" marker on your street or intersection.

Group email: americans-networking-to-survive@googlegroups.com

Group web address: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/americans-networking-to-survive

If you need supplies:

You should change the color of your icon to red, and try to make a supply request.

You can make a supply request by:

1 - Making a post to the A.N.T.S group

2 - Sending a text 704-858-7249

A Supply Request subject heading should look like this example "Supply Request - Staten Inland, NY - prepgirl"

If you need supplies and can not make contact you should place a distress marker at your driveway and a location marker at your chosen intersection if you are using that method.

Group email: americans-networking-to-survive@googlegroups.com

Group web address: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/americans-networking-to-survive

If you are volunteering to be a Camp Ant:

You should place a disaster alert in the A.N.T.S group to let other members know you are going to check on a member who has not checked in.

A Disaster Alert subject line should look like this example "Disaster Alert - Hurricane - Atlantic City, NJ"

Group email: americans-networking-to-survive@googlegroups.com

Group web address: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/americans-networking-to-survive

After a disaster alert has been placed, ants should follow these steps to check on and deliver supply pods if needed.

Note: Ants are free to make modifications to the steps if needed.

Step 1

Camp ant will change the color of their map icon to yellow and the color of the distressed ant's icon to red.

Step 2

Camp ant will go into disaster zone and look for the distressed ant's OK, distress or location marker.

Note - If the camp ant is unable to go in, they can make a request in the A.N.T.S group for a trail ant.

Step 3

If distress marker is found, camp or trail ant will pick up the distressed ants supply list.

Note - If they can not find a marker, the camp ant will change the distressed ant's icon to a blue flag to let others know that it has been checked.

Step 4

Camp ant will make a supply request in the A.N.T.S group using the supply list.

Step 5

Donor ants will look at the supply list and let the camp ant know what they can provide and how many supply pods their vehicle can carry. They will also change the color of their map icons to green.

Note: All donor ants need to know how many supply pods they can carry in their vehicles. The number of pods in a relay is determined by the amount that can be carried in the last vehicles of the relay.

Step 6

Camp ant will then let each donor ant know what to put in their supply pods.

Step 7

Camp ant will then create a supply pod relay map for donor ants to follow.

Step 8

The first donor ant in the relay will look at the "supply pod relay map" and make a post in the group stating when they can be at the first transfer point. The second donor ant will then make a post agreeing with the time, and also post the time in which they can be at the next transfer point and so on.

Step 9

After date and transfer times have been agreed upon, donor ants will begin relaying the supply pods all the way to the camp ant.

Step 10

The camp or trail ant will then deliver the supplies to the distressed ants and make arrangements to meet again if needed.

Step 11

The camp ant will then end the incident by making a post in the group stating that the incident has ended.

At that point all ants should then change the color of their icons back to blue or purple, depending on which color is being used at the time.