A.N.T.S Survival Plan

A.N.T.S Survival Plan


The A.N.T.S Emergency Survival Plan is a list of information to be carried with you. It is broken up into seven sections: communications, bug-out, transportation, documents, bug-in, kits, and education.


You can copy this one or make one of your own.


Communication Plan

A disaster can cause all types of communication problems; plan for them and have multiple communication options.

Family contacts:

Mom: cell 000-000-0000   work 000-000-0000

Facebook: www.facebook.com/; Twitter: twitter.com/

Ham radio


Dad: cell 000-000-0000; work 000-000-0000

Facebook: www.facebook.com/; Twitter: twitter.com/

Ham radio


Kid: cell 000-000-0000; school 000-000-0000

Facebook: www.facebook.com/; Twitter: twitter.com/

Ham radio


Kid: cell 000-000-0000; day care 000-000-0000

Facebook: www.facebook.com/; Twitter: twitter.com/

Ham radio


Red Cross contacts



Out-of-town contacts:


Person: cell 000-000-0000 work 000-000-0000

Facebook: www.facebook.com/; Twitter: twitter.com/

Ham radio

Person: cell 000-000-0000 work 000-000-0000

Facebook: www.facebook.com/; Twitter: twitter.com/

Ham radio




A.N.T.S contacts:


To request supplies by text, you must know the email address you used to join A.N.T.S

Founderant: text 704-858-7249


A.N.T.S Group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/americans-networking-to-survive

A.N.T.S Group Email: americans-networking-to-survive@googlegroups.com


A.N.T.S Drop Points: To be used only in a level 2 disaster after all communication options have failed.


Bug-Out Plan


A disaster may force you to leave your home; plan for it by having different meet-up locations.



At-home meeting place: Pick a place close to your home.




In-town meeting place: Pick a place in your town.




Out of town meeting place: Pick a place out of town.







Transportation Plan


A disaster can cause all types of travel problems, plan for them and have multiple evacuation routes. You should have a kit and routes for each type of transportation mode.



Bug out vehicle: 


Vehicle kit


Route 1


Route 2 


Cache locations




Bug out bike: 


Bike kit


Route 1


Route 2


Cache locations




Bug out watercraft: 


Watercraft kit


Route 1


Route 2


Cache locations




Bug out hike: 


Bug-out bag


Route 1


Route 2


Cache locations

Documents Plan


These items should be in each personal bug-out bag. Hide them in secret compartments.



Driver's license or other ID

Copy of Birth Certificate

Medical information

Insurance information

Other notes:

Bug in Plan


Bugging in will require you to think about your home differently; the first thing you need to do is determine the threat level.

Level 1: No danger; utilities are out; people are getting along and working together.

Level 2: Some danger; utilities are out; people are getting very worried. You should try to band with neighbors and block off the street.

Level 3: Dangerous: utilities are out; people are desperate and looking for supplies. You should bug out or hide in place; make your home look as if no one is there, and be ready to defend your family and supplies. A safe room or bunker will add to your protection.



A survival kit is a package of basic tools and supplies prepared in advance as an aid to survival in an emergency. 


Kits come in a variety of sizes.


●      Survival kit: small, can be carried with you.


●      Backpack (BOB), limited only by the weight you can carry.


●      Vehicle Kit: survival/auto repair kit.


●      Location kit: large, used at home or bug-out-location.



To make your kits, start by building your basic survival kit. Then start on your BOB, and so on. Create kits that you like by looking at each item and deciding on the one that will work best for you. Increase the number of supplies for larger kits.

Survival kit check-off list.



Basic Survival Kit




Fire Steel


Fish Hook








First-aid kit

Basic Bug-Out-Bag


A basic survival kit plus




Purification tablets or microfilters








Sleeping bag


Cooking kit


Hygiene kit


Rain gear






Medium first aid kit


Self-defense weapon


GPS + paper maps


Solar/Dynamo radio


Dynamo Flashlight


Two-way radios


Also Recommended: Portable Ham Radio

Basic Vehicle Kit


Basic bug-out-bag plus


Flat tire kit


Tools + electrical kit


Jumper Cables


Extra clothing




Basic Location Kit


Components of all three of the previous kits plus


Small generator


Small solar panels






Cast-iron cooking kit


Construction tools




Cleaning supplies






Note: These are the basics; add what you need, and always duplicate items when you can. You should always plan as if a third of your supplies might fail.











Education Plan


This is the most important part of your plan; it is the only part that you can be sure to have with you at all times.


You need to learn how all of the different types of disasters may affect you and find ways to protect yourself from them. After you have done that, the basic rules of survival are all the same.

3 minutes without air:


If you are able to get oxygen, you are good to go; if not, you have around three minutes to find some.




3 hours without shelter:


This depends on the weather, but I can assure you that shelter will be your next priority if you are out in any kind of precipitation, extreme heat, or cold.




3 days without water:


Try to go without water for a day, and you will know why this rule is so important.




3 weeks without food:


The same is true for food; you are going to need some.




The time to start learning how to be self-reliant is now!