Abstract Guidelines

Communication across Borders - Teaching, Learning and Speaking the Languages of the World 27 - 29 Oktober 2021

Kommunikation ohne Grenzen - die Sprachen der Welt lehren, lernen und sprechen 27 - 29 October 2021

Communication sans frontières - enseigner, apprendre et parler les langues du monde 27 - 29 octobre 2021

Presentation time frame:

30 minutes inclusive of 10 minutes for Q & A

  • All papers should be original, not published elsewhere.

  • Abstracts can be submitted in conference languages (English, German, French).

  • Papers should be presented in the language of the submitted abstract. If, for example, a talk is about French, it is expected to be presented in French. If a talk refers to language in general, the presenter is welcome to present in the language he/she prefers.

  • Please indicate the conference relevant topic(s) on the abstract.

  • The length of the title should be no more than 20 words.

  • The submitted abstract should contain a clear summary of the paper in 300 words plus 5-8 keywords that sufficiently reflect the content.

  • Please also include a brief biodata of about 100 words that state the presenter's academic background, experiences as well as main research fields and interests, etc..

Please submit your abstract via the form below: