Video Submission Form

Communication across Borders - Teaching, Learning and Speaking the Languages of the World 27 - 29 Oktober 2021

Kommunikation ohne Grenzen - die Sprachen der Welt lehren, lernen und sprechen 27 - 29 October 2021

Communication sans frontières - enseigner, apprendre et parler les langues du monde 27 - 29 octobre 2021

Dear Presenters,

Please use the form below to upload the video of your pre-recorded presentation or to indicate a link from which the conference organisation team can download the file of your video:

  • Maximum length: 20 minutes

  • Video format: MP4

  • Minimum resolution: 480p

  • Maximum size: 1 GB

  • Video title: "6. SFT" plus your full name and the (shortened) title of your talk

Due date of video submission: August 31, 2021

To download the title slide template, please click on the picture above.

Zum Herunterladen der Vorlage der Titelfolie bitte auf das Bild klicken.

Veuillez cliquer sur l'image pour télécharger le modèle de la diapositive de titre.

Video Submission Form