Developing CSCL Activities

Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) represents a dynamic and innovative approach to education that harnesses the power of technology to facilitate collaborative learning experiences. CSCL leverages digital tools and platforms to enable learners to engage in collective problem-solving, knowledge sharing, and cooperative activities such as pooled data analysis, cooperative resource development and continuous formative assessment. This pedagogical framework emphasizes the importance of social interaction and knowledge construction within a digital environment, fostering a sense of community among learners. In SED652, you will be developing three CSCL activities to address curricular content goals.

CSCL Lesson Development

Develop three (3) multi-day CSCL learning segments in which meets the following criteria:

(1) CSCL activity-1

(2) CSCL activity-2 -Team

(3) CSCL activity-3

(4) Presentation of CSCL activity

On the final evening, we will be sharing our CSCL activities.
