Picture A Scientist

“As we see today, science requires constantly challenging our own assumptions, and that must be true not only for the discoveries and breakthroughs but also for the people who are encouraged to make them.”

- Sharon Shattuck, Director

Resources from the FILM MAKERS OF

Picture A Scientist

All resources were provided as part of the pod screening event held October 2020.

Meet the Scientists.pdf

Meet the scientists

Learn about the incredible women featured in the film.

Resource Guide.pdf

resource guide

Key resources from the film and scientific studies on harassment and discrimination in STEM.

Take Action Guide.pdf

TAke action

Individually and collectively, we need to take action now to fight against all forms of oppression and discrimination in science.

Additional resources & WAys to take action

“It’s about doing. The correction requires action. We can do better. We can get better. And we will be better together.”

- Dr. Raychelle Burks

Share your experiences with harassment and discrimination on the Instagram sharing wall @pas_sciencestories. There is strength in numbers. Let's speak truth to power.

Use the 500 Women Scientists' Request A Woman in STEMM platform to find women all over the world working in a range of fields. Make a profile for yourself to become part of this incredible database.

Data is powerful. Click on the image above for the National Science Foundation's 2019 Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering data and report.

We all have it. Learn about implicit bias and take an implicit association test from Harvard's Project Implicit.

host your own screening

Learn more about the film and schedule a screening for your organization. You can watch the trailer here.

Content Warning: Some scenes from the movie feature firsthand stories of explicit harassment, implicit gender and racial bias, and entrenched institutional discrimination.