We stand firmly with the Movement for Black Lives

Don't look away

Like so many, we are sickened and saddened by the violent attacks and domestic terrorism at the Capitol on January 6th. This was a clear attempt to subvert our democracy in the name of white supremacy. Yet, we are not surprised. We must continue to work to dismantle the systems of oppression that have gotten us to this moment. Read the full statement from 500 Women Scientists here. Join us in the fight.

Anti-Racism Learning & Action ResourceS

500 Women Scientists is committed to fighting racism and oppression in all its forms.

Tallahassee Pod Antiracist Resource List

Pod Anti-Racist Resource List

Inspired by the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor and the larger racial justice revolution of 2020. A living document for everyone. Not even close to being comprehensive, but a place to start. Please contact with questions, suggestions, or corrections.