Tallahassee Pod

500 Women Scientists

Who Are We?

The mission of 500 Women Scientists is to serve society by making science open, inclusive, and accessible and to transform society by fighting racism, patriarchy, and oppressive societal norms. We are unapologetically equity and justice focused.

We welcome self-identifying scientists from all types of professions, including retired and aspiring scientists, and people from all science, technology, engineering, math and medical fields. We welcome all self-identifying womxn and non-binary scientists to join us.

We are a local chapter, called a pod, of 500 Women Scientists based in Tallahassee, Florida. Pods set priorities that are locally relevant and important for their communities, while in line with the broader organizational goals of inclusion, equity, and accessibility in science and fighting racism, patriarchy, and oppressive social norms.

Are you a scientist in the Tallahassee area? Join us! Find our socials and get in touch using the links at the bottom of the page. Fill out our pod survey so we can better engage with you.

Featured Projects & articles

Let’s End Disinformation around Reproductive Health

500 Women Scientists is partnering with NARAL Pro-Choice America to stop disinformation in reproductive health. For too long, politics has been allowed to dictate the state of reproductive rights & health in the US, which disproportionately impacts BIPOC communities. With an important Supreme Court decision expected later this year, now is the time to keep showing up for reproductive rights and justice. Sign our open letter to stop disinformation in reproductive justice.

Read more about how reproductive justice needs to be part of the conversation in the scientific community in this piece by 500 Women Scientists co-founder Kelly Ramirez.


Led by Mothers in Science and 500 Women Scientists

"Women scientists are critical to moving science forward, yet we continue to be systematically marginalised. The longstanding inequities are especially harsh for parents, mothers in particular, and mothers of colour most of all. COVID-19 has deepened these inequities, bringing mothers in science across the globe to the very edge of no return, and if we do not act now, we will lose them."

Science-based policy can lead to safer, more equitable society

"It is incumbent upon our elected officials to embrace and leverage science to forge a path forward that allows all Americans to live a life with dignity and safety."

Read our op-ed published in the Tallahassee Democrat in October 2020 here.

Four Years after Science Took a Hit, There’s Hope

But 500 Women Scientists, formed in the aftermath of Trump’s 2016 election, still has plenty of work to do

Read more in the Scientific American piece published on 500 Women Scientists' four year anniversary.