Keiko Streams

Keiko Program Offerings at the Event

During the event several of the kieko will split into three strams (see schedule). Here is more information about each stream.

A Message from the Instructors

It is a great honour to offer keiko during Dokan 24. Our deepest gratitude goes to Ula Chambers and Masashi Minagawa for their trust. 

As participants of this quadrennial international shintaido event are advanced practitioners the directors wished it to be an occasion to offer in-depth studies in the full range of shintaido disciplines. For this reason, the choice was made to offer three keiko (see schedule, page 7) entirely dedicated to these disciplines while limiting the choice of each participant to one of them. Main stream shintaido will be taught during general practices.

Dokan ’24 teaching team

Kenjutsu Program: From Common Standards to Personal Fluency

Offered by Pierre Quettier

Because the kenjutsu program is still recent as a stand-alone shintaido discipline, I would like to take advantage of this event to ensure we all agree on proper and established sword-handling manners. These include those common to other Japanese kenjutsu schools as well as those specific to shintaido. To do so, we shall set up a series of interactions enabling each participant to chart an optimum path of growth from their original level.

First of all, I wish us to review and set-up a formal toitsu-kihon program, specific to kenjutsu, performed with either a bokken or iaito. This study will include a review of the stepping exercises particular to the needs of this program. These exercises will be presented in the light of our experiences in France teaching complete beginners: those otherwise ignorant of shintaido conventions.

In the same spirit, I will share our approach to Shoden-no-kata.  At this event I will introduce a formal (sei) version of the kata, in preparation for the flowing (dai) manner that we are accustomed to. 

In different vein, I also look forward to sharing most or all of the various battō-ho (sword-drawing exercises) handed down by Master Ito from the Toyama-ryu tradition he studied with Master Obata. These will be new to some people, while familiar to others, so we shall work together to harmonise our understanding of this new aspect of the shintaido kenjutsu program.  

Last, but not least, I will invite all participants (according to their level) to engage with – and enjoy combining the above with – familiar exercises, such as san-nin ichi-retsu or jissen kumitachi, with one or several partners. 

Bojutsu program: Return to the Future (a new approach to kata)

Offered by Alain Chevet

It is with emotion that I express my gratitude to Ito Sensei for sharing with us his ultimate vision of the kata Shoshi-no-kon.

In keeping with the Dokan theme, it seemed obvious to me to dedicate this meeting to Shoshi-no-kon.

While being anchored in history, Shoshi-no-kon is also the manifestation of innovative creativity. All the kata are transmitted to us by the elders of past generations. It is up to us to study and practice them with respect. However, it is also up to us to bring them to life. We do this by practicing them to discover their multiple facets: martial, educational, social, spiritual...

In this spirit, I will share an approach to Shoshi-no-kon through interactions between the kata, the kugiri keiko from this kata as well as applications in kumibo.

This is also an opportunity to have a fresh look at the practice of kata in general. The participation of practitioners at different levels will promote a joyful practice imbued with “beginner’s spirit”.

Karate Program: Karate and the Rhythms of Nature

Offered by Shin Aoki

In these keiko we will explore three elements that can enrich and deepen the experience of karate kumite:

Toward these ends, our physical movements will include, respectively, renki kumite, irimi and stepping practice, and wakame, all of which will be applied to basic forms of karate kumite.