Dokan 2024

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British Shintaido is happy to announce the International Shintaido 2024 event:

Dokan 2024

16th - 20th August 2024

Worth School, Sussex, UK

Event Theme

The theme for the 2024 International Shintaido Event is 

Dokan ("Way of the Circle" or "Circle of the Way").

Dokan (道環), way of the circle, alludes to the enduring and changing nature of keiko. Many sensei and practitioners enter this circle, each bringing their own unique understanding and expression of shintaido. Each one leaves behind their own influence for others to discover.

The circle itself keeps turning: an unbroken chain growing richer and deeper every day.

Let's continue our own journey of discovery.

Ula Chambers (Director)

Event Sensei

In Memoriam

Our teacher Haruyoshi Fugaku Ito passed away on 30th December 2023. Many were looking forward to seeing him at this event, which will instead take place partly in his memory. You can read many memories of Ito sensei here.

Fifty years of shintaido in the UK

British Shintaido is celebrating a 50th anniversary in 2024: fifty years since the founding of the first shintaido organisation in the UK.

The BS anniversary logo will be used on all publicity throughout this anniversary year.

Dokan 2024 16th - 20th August 2024 Worth School, UK