International Exams

Registration for all exams is now closed. 

Results will be published after the event. 

IS Exam Information

International Shintaido will offer exams in all subjects from sei-shihan / san-dan, to doshu / go dan at this event. These exams will take place on Sunday 18th August 2024. 

If you have questions about your exam registration please contact the IS exam coordinator.

IS Exam fees

Doshu / go-dan Fee:  €200.00 Diploma:  €100.00 Total:  €300.00 (approx $325, £255 or ¥4,8000)

Dai-shihan / yon-dan Fee:  €150.00 Diploma:  €100.00 Total:  €250.00 (approx $270, £215  or ¥4,0000)

Sei-shihan / san-dan Fee:  €120.00 Diploma:  €100.00 Total:  €220.00 (approx $240, £190 or ¥3,5000)

Pathfinding articles

Shintaido exams (doshu, dai-shihan and sei-shihan) include the requirement to submit a path-finding article. 

If you have registered for one of these exams please submit a pathfinding article as soon as possible. Please send it as a PDF file direct to the examiner (Minagawa sensei). Please also Cc the exam coordinator (Mieko Hirano).

Essential features of a path-finding article include: the reasons you began studying shintaido, the impact of shintaido in your life, the influence of your shintaido mentor, and your future plans for your new role within shintaido (teaching, organisational roles, outreach etc.) A path-finding article is not a simply a resumé of teaching and organisational accomplishments.

2. ESC / SoA Exam Information

The European Shintaido College (ESC) together with Shintaido of America (SoA) will offer a joint exam session in all subjects from jun-shidoin /shodan, to sei-shidoin / ni-dan. These exams will take place on Friday 16th August 2024. 

Registration for both ESC and SoA exams is open until 15th June 2024.

If you live in the US and are a member of SoA you should apply to take an SoA exam via the SoA website here.

If you live anywhere else, or are a member of a different national organisation, you should apply to take an ESC exam here.

ESC exam fees

Sei-shidoin / ni-dan Fee:  €50.00 Diploma:  €60.00 Total:  €110.00 (approx $120 or ¥1,7500)

Jun-shidoin / shodan Fee:  €40.00 Diploma:  €30.00 Total:  €70.00 (approx $75 or ¥1,1200)


The ESC / SoA exams will take place as a single event with a combined jury of ESC and SoA members. Those who take and pass an SoA exam will receive a Shintaido of America Diploma. All others who pass their exam will receive a European Shintaido College Diploma. Both diplomas are valid all over the world. 


Applications are now closed for both sets of exams. For reference only applications forms are here:

Exam fees can be paid anytime before 1st August 2024

Examinees should be paid-up members of their own national shintaido organisation at the time of taking the exam. 

Exam fee payments

Payment for IS exams should be made in Euros to ESC. Please use payment details below.

Payment for ESC exams should be made in Euros to ESC. Please use payment details below.

Payment for SoA exams should be made in US$ direct to SoA. Please contact SoA for payment details.

Both exam registration and diploma fees must be paid in full before taking an exam. Failure to do this may result in disqualification from the exam. Diploma fees will be refunded in the event that you do not pass the exam. 

ESC payment details

IMPORTANT: these details are for exam fees only, NOT event registration fees

Bank transfer (preferred):

If sending money from outside the Euro zone it's best to use a low-cost bank transfer service such as


Dokan 2024 16th - 20th August 2024 Worth School, UK