Walking in Grace: A Family Lenten Season

March 2024 - Family Household Topic


At the end of the household, MFC members should have spent quality time with their family through prayer and sharing towards having a deeper relationship that will lead them home with Christ. 


 A gift is something unasked for, but freely given. Time is a gift. Let us offer this gift most especially to our own families by scheduling a short family household. You may do it during meal time or down time, after Mass, or whenever it is comfortable to gather the whole family. 


(Lead your family into a short prayer) 


Lord, we come home to You and glorify You as the center of our family. As we are gathered at this moment, grant us the grace to have a simple sharing with one another. May the Holy Spirit inspire us and fill our family with Your Love. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen. (Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be.)


St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, pray for us.


What Lenten or Holy Week tradition do you look forward to? 



Lent is the liturgical season that prepares us for Christ’s death and Resurrection. During this time of spiritual preparation, we focus on God through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Lent started on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14, and will continue until March 28, just before Good Friday and three days before Easter. The forty-day period leading up to Easter is a special time for all of us. It's a time for reflection, repentance, and getting ready for Easter. This is a time to reflect on what it means to follow Christ. It's also a chance to be sorry for our mistakes and increase the time we spend in prayer and in practicing our faith. By understanding the significance of Christ’s Passion during Lent, we can grasp the sacrifice He made for humanity and how it can transform our spiritual journey.

It's a beautiful time for families. It’s a period of prayer and reflection for everyone. It's a time to review our lives and make changes to become the best version of ourselves - the best spouse, parent, son, daughter, sibling, co-worker, and follower of Jesus.


As we continue our journey this Lenten season, we remember that Jesus taught his disciples about almsgiving, prayer, and fasting. We use His teachings to make our own sacrifices and honor Him, in the way that he showed His disciples. When was the last time you had a truly memorable Lent? Or maybe a Lent that changed your life? The purpose of giving something up or fasting is to nurture our inner life. Fasting helps us understand how much we depend on God. It opens our hearts, minds, and bodies to God's love. We reflect on areas where we need to grow and commit to becoming a better version of ourselves. When we make ourselves available to God, amazing things can happen. This is what makes Lent so impactful.


As a family, go beyond more than just giving something up. Consider doing something positive for Lent. It's an ideal time not only to break free from harmful habits but also to adopt new, life-affirming habits that can last beyond the remaining days of Lent and even beyond. Give up something, let go of a negative habit, and purposefully fill that gap. Explore how you can improve yourself and commit to a new positive habit as a spouse, as a parent, as a son, and as a daughter.


As a spouse, parent, son, or daughter, what negative habit you would like to let go or replace with a good one during this Lenten season?

Go Forth

As part of the family, we invite you this Lent to pick one from this list. Give something up and fill the gap this Lenten Season.


Avoid Interrupting Others

It would be beneficial for all of us to spend more time listening and less time interrupting.


Cut Out Complaining

Pause and reflect on how often you complain each day. What if, instead, you find constructive ways to discuss your challenges? What if you focus on the positive aspects of people rather than dwelling on inconveniences?


Don't Waste Downtime

You don’t have to completely give up social media or similar activities, but consider being intentional about avoiding them during specific times. Use that time to pray, reflect, or connect with someone nearby. You'll be surprised at the positive impact it can have on your day.

Group Family Photo

Have a group photo as a family then post it on social media. Use the hashtags: 

#MissionaryFamiliesofChrist #MFCFamilyHousehold