Fully Present in His Presence

March 2024 Household Topic


To learn practical ways on how we can make ourselves fully present when we go to Holy Mass


 Do you find yourself distracted when you attend mass? What distracts you?


In the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, we become in communion with the real presence of Jesus Christ in the consecrated bread and wine. Saint John Vianney puts it beautifully in words, “Upon receiving Holy Communion, the Adorable Blood of Jesus Christ really flows in our veins and His Flesh is really blended with ours.” The Eucharist is a sacred opportunity for us to be in communion with God.


Experiencing the fullness of this Divine Encounter requires more than mere attendance at Mass; it demands a conscious effort to be fully present in body, mind, and spirit. There are several times when we go to mass and we find ourselves distracted. We are at mass but our minds wander far away in the distant. To truly enter into communion with God during the Eucharistic celebration, we are to intentionally cultivate a deeper sense of presence in the Holy Eucharist. We are to fully immerse ourselves in the transformative encounter with the living Christ. We are invited to be in communion with the Lord and we are called to be fully present before His presence. Here are some practical ways how we can do this:


1.   Prepare Your Mind and Heart Before attending Mass, take the time to prepare yourself mentally and spiritually. Recognize that you are entering into a sacred encounter with Jesus on the altar. Leave behind the worries and distractions of daily life, allowing yourself to focus solely on the divine encounter ahead. Consider attending a Liturgical Bible Study during the week leading up to Mass, immersing yourself in Scripture and deepening your understanding of God's Word. This preparation primes your mind and heart to fully receive the graces offered during the Eucharistic celebration.


2.   Embrace Silence – Once you are in the presence of the Holy Eucharist, embrace the gift of silence. Silence provides a space for reverence, contemplation, and communion with God. Allow yourself to be still, quieting the noise of the outside world and opening your heart to the presence of Jesus. In this silence, listen for the promptings of the Holy Spirit and allow God's presence to penetrate your being.


3.  Put Away Distractions - Consciously set aside any distractions that may hinder your ability to be fully present with God. Turn off your phone. Do not check your social media. Quiet your thoughts, and redirect your focus solely towards the sacredness of the moment. By eliminating distractions, you create a space where you can more deeply encounter the Lord in the Eucharist.


4.   Participate and Respond - Engage actively in the Mass and respond to the prayers and rituals with attentiveness and reverence. Participate in the communal prayers, songs and gestures of worship, allowing yourself to fully enter into the liturgical celebration. Respond to the Word of God proclaimed in the readings and the homily with openness and receptivity. Receive the Body and Blood of Christ with faith and devotion, recognizing the profound mystery of the Eucharist and its transformative power in your life.


Jesus is fully present in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, generously pouring out His graces and love unto us. He is extravagant in His love making Himself one hundred percent present to us. He longs to be in full communion with us. Let us commit ourselves to be fully present in His presence during Holy Mass.


Are you fully present in God’s presence during Mass? What distractions do you have whenever you go to Mass? What are some ways you can commit to do so you can fully encounter Jesus during the Holy Mass?

Go Forth

The next time you attend mass, intentionally practice the points discussed above. 

You can also join an LBS to prepare yourself well for the Sunday Mass.


God is Generous and in response, let us be good stewards by consistent Spiritual Giving, our tithing. 

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