Blessed in Sufferings

March 2022 Chapter Assembly Topic

Specific Objectives

At the end of the session, the participants are expected to:

  1. Know and understand the meaning of redemptive suffering

  2. Respond to sufferings in life and see these as blessings that points us towards heaven.

Expanded Outline

I. Introduction

We are blessed beyond bounds! We are privileged to called, to be formed, to be able to serve, and to follow Jesus. We are called to be like him, and to be holy as God is holy. How do we become like Jesus? By following His ways, which is the way of the cross. We are in the season of lent, a time returning home to Him “Pagbabalik loob”. Part of returning home are purifications, pain and suffering. This is an experience of suffering that leads to glory if united to the suffering of Christ. Let’s talk about being blessed in sufferings. Recall a suffering in your life that became a blessing in disguise.

II. Redemptive Suffering make us like Christ

In what ways does redemptive suffering make us like Christ, and accomplish his plans?

First let us understand that suffering is not good in itself. God created paradise and placed our first parents there where there was no suffering but only a perfect existence. With sin, suffering and death came into the world (Gen 3:16-19)

We suffer because we sin. We suffer because others who are sinners affects our lives. We suffer because satan afflicts those who love God and try to live in righteous lives like Job in the bible.

But God can turn suffering to His good purposes. We just need to look at the cross. Jesus suffered and was crucified and died, but he rose in glory and redemption.

“Now I rejoice in my suffering for your sake, and in flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the affliction of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the church” Col. 1:24

III. Why does God allow suffering?

A. Redemptive suffering brings us to a deeper relationship with God

Even when we do not understand. We grapple with the ways of God. Like Job we end up humbled by His mysterious but majestic ways. We are put into our rightful place in relation with God.

B. Redemptive suffering impresses upon us our need for God

That apart from God we are totally helpless and powerless. When we suffer intensely, we realize our nothingness and our total dependence to God. Redemptive suffering allows us to let go of self-importance and our control in our lives.

C. Redemptive Suffering enables us to learn endurance and perseverance

Consider the training of athlete goes through. The Christian life is a marathon, full of trials, challenges and difficulties. But to be faithful to Christ is to endure. We need to focus! Forgetting what lies behind but straining forward to what lies ahead, I continue my pursuit toward the goal, the prize of God’s upward calling, in Christ Jesus (Phil3:3-14)

D. Redemptive Suffering purifies our intentions in serving God

We serve not because of rewards, though those are freely given by Jesus to us. Satan told God that Job was only good because he was blessed. Is that the case with us? Do we serve because of pride, power, position, prestige or pay? So God at times removes consolations, even bringing us to desolation, in order to test our resolve.

E. Redemptive Suffering deepens the fruits of God’s Spirit in us

Such as compassion, hope, trust, joy. It is easy enough to manifest godly virtues when things are going well. But the true test is when we are suffering. Suffering deepens the virtues we already have.

F. Redemptive Sufferings gives us the privilege to walk the very path of Jesus to the cross

This after all is what discipleship is about. When we embrace the cross of Christ, we grow in holiness and we look on to the glory that lies beyond.

IV. How do we respond to sufferings in our lives?

A. Cheerfully and Willingly

Jesus is giving us the privilege to suffer with and for him. This was the very attitude of Paul. “Now I rejoice in my suffering for your sake, and in flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the affliction of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the church” Col 1:24 If our suffering is redemptive then we rejoice.

B. We simply trust God

God is in control and He wants what is best for us. The Father knows best. Be assured of these realities. We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. Rom8:28 Certainly we love God, and if we respond to His call to us, then He assures us that everything will work for good. If, that’s the case we confidently trust in Him.

C. We offer our sufferings as a fragrant offering to God

We offer it up in atonement for our own sins; we offer it up in intercession for the needs of others; and we offer it the cause of our mission and service to God. Such is a fragrant offering that is pleasing to God.

V. Conclusion

The love of God for us caused Him to allow His very own beloved Son to be severely afflicted. This is the mystery of suffering and of redemption. As God has called us to follow Jesus and to be like Jesus, it is our great privilege to suffer for the sake of righteousness. Such is the great manifestation of God’s love for us. We are blessed even is sufferings. The way to heaven is the way of the cross! It is the way of suffering, the road to glory!

Discussion Questions

For discussion, answer the following questions:

  1. Recall the recent sufferings you have experience, how did God redeemed you from it?

  2. How did you overcome those sufferings?