The Authentic Woman’s Ideology

June 2022 Household Topic


Name the top three most influential women in your life? Why?


We have so many questions.

  • What actually is an authentic woman?

  • Where have all the authentic women gone?

  • Will authentic women actually rise in defense of women?

Well, first of all, what is an authentic woman? She is one who knows who God has made her to be, and has the boldness and even audacity to live out who she is. And right here is a problem: many today no longer know God and what God’s will is. Many have their values, principles and priorities determined by a secular humanist world. So first things first. Get back to God’s plan. That leads us to ask, what is God’s plan?

God’s plan for women

We need to go to the book of Genesis, where God lays out His basic plan for women, and for men.

  • Woman, and man, are created in the image and likeness of God. Thus they have equal worth and dignity.

  • God created only two sexes, as “male and female he created them.” (Gn 1:27b). There are not to be numerous genders, which are social constructs. A corollary to this is that women are not to become men (and vice versa).

  • God created woman to be a suitable helper to the man. They are complementary to each other, and are not to be in competition, but rather live and work together for the good of the family, and of course also of society. They have different roles in marriage and the family.

  • They are to “be fertile and multiply.” (Gn 1:28a). They become “co- creators” with God in bringing new life into the world. But it is the woman who gets pregnant, holds the new life in her womb, and gives birth. No, men cannot become pregnant nor give birth nor nurse a newborn with breast milk. Women are to look on fertility and having children as great blessings and a great privilege, rather than a curse that ties them down in the home and the kitchen.

  • They are to “fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion ....” (Gn 1:28b). Women, together with men, are entrusted with God’s creation and made stewards of it. Both are responsible for planet Earth.

Now men need to recognize the unique value of women. Yes, ladies, we do. Females are indeed fabulous. What are women designed by God to be, given characteristics that are not as much in men?

  • A woman is a nurturer. When she loves, she gives her all and takes care of those she loves, even above her own needs and wants. She is truly the heart of the home.

  • A woman is loyal, faithful, true to her values and principles. She does not want to compromise. She aligns her values with her behavior.

  • A woman often has greater insight, assisted by intuition or natural instinct.

  • A woman, though much more emotional than a man, has great internal strength.

  • A woman, unlike a man who is often clueless about many things, is very self-aware. She deals with her emotions, thoughts, behaviors, experiences. She learns well from mistakes.

  • A woman has greater compassion. This is so important in a world that can be harsh and unforgiving.

  • A woman is suffering. She remains strong in the face of difficulties and pain.

  • A woman is smarter than a man.99 Though she is not out to compete with him, or to try to outshine him. Rather, she respects and supports him. She sees their complementary strengths. She is confident but not arrogant.


For discussion, answer the following questions:

  1. For women, how can we be more like the women that God wants us to be based on the descriptions above?

  2. For husbands, what can you do to help your wives nurture such characteristics?

Go Forth

For wives and mothers, consciously reach out to a fellow wife or mother who is having a difficulty now. Be the presence of Jesus for them. For husbands, make extra effort in caring for your wives.